Bad day or Bad luck

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Rain wakes up once more in Nyx's arms. When she moves, she falls out of the bed, hitting the floor. "Son of.." she didn't get to finish because she went to stand up and caught her foot on the couch making her stumble back into the table. As she falls to the floor, once more, she stays there. "Babe, you still alive over there?"

She just raises her hand. "Nope, I'm dead. Just leave me here." Raya hears her phone across the room and looks at it. "I have never been more scared to get up and get my phone in my life." Nyx starts laughing when she crawls over to it when she picks it up. "If you want me to leave this room, it's not happening. I almost died just trying to get out of bed."

Once she hung up, she was still lying on the floor. "Crowe and Libertus are on there way over." Not even a minute later, they walked into the apartment.

"Umm, Raya, why are you on the floor?" Crowe asked. "Because I can't fall any further from this spot. So I'm safe here." As if the Gods were having a fun day. The floor beneath her fell into the empty apartment beneath her. "WHAT THE  HELL" she yelled.

Nyx ran over and jumped down to her. "Raya, are you okay?" she looked at him. "I fell threw a floor after almost dying, just trying to get out of bed. NO, I'm NOT OK." she heard there friends laughing. Raya stood up and walked away. "Babe, where are you going?" She warped up their place and grabbed her phone.

Raya: I'm going on a trip

Drautos: Where and why?

Raya: I nearly died getting out of bed and fell through a fucking floor

Drautos: Damn girl, it's only 5 am.

Raya: I know what time it is, and I'm leaving for Galahad intill my damn floor is fixed.

Drautos: Take Nyx with you

Raya smiled and grabbed her bag, and walked out the door.  She had Nyx's keys in her hand as well. Everyone just watched her wondering what just happened when Nyx's phone went off, making him jump.

Raya: We are going to the Galahad for a few days. Get a step on it.

Hero: OMW

Nyx looked at his friends and laughed. "Guess she's heading to Galahad. See you all later." He ran and got dressed and took off after his wife.

Once they got off the boat, she decided to walk to his mother's house seeing as her lousy luck followed her to the ship as she was now soaked. "Baby, do you want me." She raised her hand and kept walking.

Nyx saw his mom and sister sitting on the front steps as they walked up. Raya tripped over a rock. "Oh come on already, this is freaking bs." Nyx laughs, making her turn to look at him as she summons her sword. Nyx points to her arm was the sword cut her arm a bit. "That's it I'm done. I quit to take me now."

Nyx hugs her then kisses her. "Is my poor wife having a bad day?" She looks up at him. "A bad day would be an improvement." Nyx's mom brings her a drink. "This will help." Raya looks at the cup and downs what's in it.

It burned the whole way down. "What was in that? You know what don't tell me." she sits down on the steps as Selena hugs her. "Where have you been, Raya we missed you the last few times you were in town." Nyx looked at her.

"Well, your brother got mad at me and I at him, and I came here to kill things while I was pretending they were him." His sister laughed. "Yeah, he has that effect on people." Raya started to laugh at the little girl.

His mom handed her a paper, and she looked up at his mom. "How many?" Nyx was at a loss. " Too many to fight alone." She nods and stands up. "I will take care of it. See you in a bit of small stuff. I got a job to do." She hands her bag to Nyx. "Be right back. I got a job to finish fast. Stay here and make sure your family stays safe."

Nyx looks at his mom. "What did I just miss?" she handed him the paper she had showed Raya. "The assassin's guild is here. Trying to take over. They know your wife protects this island. She has even earned the nickname. The princess of Galahad. They want her out of the way, but she always beats them back." Nyx looked out at the beach. "Did she tell you what happened between us?"

His mom sat next to him. "She said that she did something that made it to where you got upset with her, and she left so as not to cause any more problems. I asked who started it. She said she did. That she never deserved a life of happiness."

It was getting late, and Nyx was starting to worry when 2 Assassins showed up on the beach. Nyx summoned his weapon. "Selena, go inside." Before anyone could even move through, Raya warped over, killing them both. "Next time I say, stay away, listen."

She walked over, kissing Nyx. "Hey baby, how was your night?" he asked. "Oh great killed a bunch of stuff had a drink then came home to see I missed a few and killed them.  So what's for dinner?" Nyx smiled at her. "Damn starlight, I love you so much."

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