Your Family Now

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Crowe grabbed her hand. "My gift is inside. We are all going out to eat, and I got your outfit upstairs. Oh Nyx, weres the leg sheath for her kukri?" Nyx handed it to Crowe. Nyx took Raya's hand "Let me do your hair starlight; then I will leave you to get dressed."

Raya followed Nyx upstairs and sat down. "Starlight, even here, I want you to keep this weapon on you. Your sword you can summon, but there have been times in fights where that has been blocked. This way, you will have this close just in case." When he finished, she turned and kissed him. "I will always keep it with me, my hero." Nyx kissed her as Crowe walked in. "Okay, you're done out. We will see you there. Bye, hero." Crowe pushed him out the door.

Crowe turned to look at Raya with a smile. "okay, see them bags?" Raya looked to where her friend was pointing. "Go get dressed, birthday girl." Raya did as she was asked. When she was done, she looked in the mirror and smiled. Raya strapped Nyx's blade to her left thigh. Then walked out to were Crowe was sitting.

 Then walked out to were Crowe was sitting

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Raya's outfit

"Damn, girl, you look great. Let's get your makeup done and the rest of your hair."

                Raya's make up

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Raya's make up

Raya's hair color and style with her braids on the sides

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Raya's hair color and style with her braids on the sides

Raya looked in the mirror once more and couldn't believe what she saw. "You, my dear sister, are going to knock that hero of his feet. You ready, we are going with Nyx's mom and sister?" Raya just nods and follows Crowe downstairs.

Nyx was inside the restaurant when Raya walked in. It was Libertus who saw her first his jaw dropped. " Damn buddy, you got lucky with her. Try not to screw it up." Nyx turns to see Raya and smiles as she walks up to him.

"What is the hero caught off his guard?" Raya says playfully. "You look... Magical. You truly are my enchanting starlight." Raya smiled as she took the arm she offered her. They go sit down with everyone

Crowe hands her a drink. "No, Crowe, I still have a headache from last time." Crowe looked at Raya. " you going to make me drink all alone?" Raya laughed at her friend and caved. "Fine, you win." Raya down the shot. Nyx laughed. "Crowe talked her into being her drinking buddy again," Nyx told Libertus. "Crowe keeps this up, and she will turn Raya into crazy person.." Nyx laughs at his friend. "Yeah, but Raya needs this after that fight she had. Lib, it was crazy. The look in her eyes. Man, it even scared me."

Raya lost track of shots at 10 when Crowe told her the two should have a warping contest. "Okay, let's go," Raya said. Nyx happened to see the two get up and walk outside. "Lib, I get the feeling they are about to do something stupid." Libertus looked up. "Knowing Crowe's leading her, I know they are going to do something dumb."

Nyx and Libertus said good night to his mom and sister and ran after the two trouble makers. Nyx was looking around when he saw Crowe hand Raya a bottle, and the two walked down the sidewalk towards his house. Thankfully they did not live far away. So he was happy to see they got there safely. That was in till he heard Crowe say. "Ready on 3,2,1 Warp" Raya and Crowe warped across the beach, both missing there landing and laughing.

Raya looked over at Crowe. "I saved the bottle." Crowe laughed. "Good girl, pass it here." Raya smiled as she took a drink then handed it to Crowe. "Ready for round 2?" Raya says, standing up. "Hell yeah." Crowe and Raya warped once more. This time they landed in the water. "Crowe save the bottle," Raya yelled, laughing.

Nyx looked at Libertus. "And they say I'm reckless." Nyx sighs. "I guess we should go save them." Nyx and libertus walked closer to them. When Raya warped once more. Nyx saw where she was headed and bent in front of her catching her. "Hey Nyx, what are you doing here?" Nyx raised his eyes at her. "Saving my starlight from warping into a cliffside." Raya smiled. "RAYA I GOT THE BOTTLE," Crowe yelled.

Raya turned in Nyx's arms. "Don't even think about it." Too late, she warped to Crowe. Nyx couldn't help but laugh at her. He went to were Libertus was and smiled "Well I guess they are fine as long as we are here to keep them safe... From themselves." The two friends laughed, watching Crowe and Raya having so much fun.

Raya came and sat down by Nyx. Nyx put his arm around her and pulled her close. "You, my starlight, are gonna hate yourself and Crowe in the morning." Raya looked at him. " I can love you tonight, though." Nyx smiles. "Sorry, starlight, but as much as I would love that you're not in the right frame of mind for that." Raya pouts and lays her head on his arm.

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