Help I'm Drowning

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When Nyx woke up the next morning, Raya was coming in the door. "Have a good run, babe?" he sees her nod as she starts making coffee. The two get ready for work and head into the training area.

Nyx can tell she is nervous. "Breath baby, we are here for you." she smiles at him as Drautos walks in. "Today, we will be sparing at random," Drautos called out names. "Raya come pick a number." she walked over and picked the number 8. "You're sparing with...Luche. Can we please try not to kill each other."

Raya sat back down next to Nyx, "Can't promise on that, sir." Crowe tried not to laugh. She once more had the weapons Nyx had given to her almost a year ago. Luche walked over. "Let's go and get this over." she rolled her eyes at him.

The two faced each other and got ready. Raya watched him as he moved and dodged and warped away, attacking when she had an opening. Luche managed to get behind her pinning her to him. She felt her panic rise as she tried to get away from him.
Nyx stopped sparing with Libertus when he saw her. "Shit" was all he said.

"What's wrong? You think you would be used to people behind you." she heard him whisper in her ear, making her skin crawl. Raya warped away, trying to catch her breath. Luche was at her again, pinning her to the ground. Raya froze as her sight was blurring as memory after memory came at her. "NYX" was all she yelled.

"NYX," he stopped once more and turned to see her as panic overtook her. He warped over, pushing Luche away. She gripped on to him as he pulled her to him. "She's done Luche go spar with Libertus," Nyx tells the glaive. He looked down at her as her tears fell. " Hey I got you come on let's get you home."

Nyx looks up at Drautos, who nods his okay to get her home. Nyx helps her to her feet. Raya still had a death grip on him. Her mind a raging storm of chaos. He opened there door and sat her down. He went to get her some water. "NO, please don't leave me." he kneeled and removed her boots and coat.

Raya saw him lay down and curled up next to him as she cried. "Baby, you wanna tell me what happened?" she closed her eyes and shook her head. "Whenever your ready, I'm right here for you." All he could do is hold her as she cried.

Everyone noticed the change in her and stayed clear of her, never knowing what would set her off. Only her friends dared to stay close to her. She was in the training room, cleaning her weapon when Drautos came over and touched her shoulder.

Nyx walked in to check on Raya when he saw Drautos touch her shoulder. She moved so fast, pinning Drautos to the ground with her sword at his neck. Nyx warped to her and went to pull her off there captain.

Raya saw what happened as Nyx warped over to them she released Drautos and backed up. "Raya go-home talk to your husband. Take care of yourself. your one of our best glaives, and we need you back." She nods as she follows Nyx out her head down.

What is wrong with me? Why can't I move past this? Am I this messed up the six have abandoned me as well? "Starlight" She looked up at her husband. They were back home already. She walked inside. She had been home a month now, and she thought she was getting better.

"Talk to me, babe." She looked at him and sat down. "While I was gone, there were villages that were attacked. I showed up in time to help most of them, but there were some I didn't get to, and at one, I was attacked and held prisoner for awhile. The things they did to the villagers was pure evil, and they were enjoying it. I was able to get away and save some of the people. After a while, I went back, killing the people that had so much evil in them; I felt sick being near them."

Nyx listened when he put to and to together. "Wait, that means this whole time you have been near or in Insomnia. Why didn't you tell me?" She heard his anger. "I couldn't, I was ordered not to." her tears fell. "I'm your damn husband, Raya."

She flinched when he called her by her name. she stood up and placed her hand on his arm. "Nyx, I can't go against the king's command." She felt her heartbreak when he pushed her hand away. Raya turned and walked to the door. "Maybe I shouldn't have come back." she had her hand on the door. "I agree" She dropped her head and walked out.

Raya left the apartment she looked back at the closed door and took his key and the bead from her hair and left it in his mailbox. "I love you, the hero always." She gave in to the chaos she no longer cared. Paul was right; she didn't deserve happiness.

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