Whiskey and Nightmares

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An hour later had them walking down some stairs. Nyx had his arm around her waist, leading her to were his friends now sat laughing drinking. "About time, you two show up. Now you gotta catch up with me, Raya." Crowe said, laughing. Nyx sat down. Raya took the seat next to him as Crowe handed her three shots of something. "Crowe, do I even wanna ask?" It was Nyx who answered. "Galahad whiskey. My starlight you are in for a night if you drink that." Raya laughed. "Well, as long as I got my hero with me, I have nothing to worry about, do I?"

Libertus looked at her with his jaw dropped. " I didn't know you guys were going public with your status?" Raya looked confused as Crowe did. "Why do I feel like I missed an episode of my fave show, and now I'm lost?" Crowe asked. "I feel that way, and I'm sober as hell," Raya responded as she downed the three shots in front of her. Nyx was impressed normally; people have to space them shots out. " Your hair is a give away it's the Ulric family braid. Means your dating."

Raya turned to look at a very smug Nyx. "Well, I guess it's a good thing I happen to like this smug hero." She kissed him. Crowe and Raya started playing darts till Raya could no longer see straight. She laughed as Nyx pulled her into his lap. "So Raya, you doing anything for your birthday this weekend?" Libertus asked.

Nyx felt her whole body tense up. Raya took another shot that Crowe kept handing her. "No, I don't... Yea, no, I'm not a birthday person." Crowe seeing her friends fear they changed the topic. Nyx knew right then what he would do for her birthday. All he needed to do was text Drautos.

"Dude, I think both the girls are out. I would have never guessed Raya could out drink Crowe. Drinking is like a sport to grow." Libertus said, laughing. Nyx looked down to see Raya curled up in his arms. "Yeah, but Raya had a fun night, and she needs more of them. Lib, you okay to get Crowe home." Nyx asks as he moves a bit. "Yeah, I got her. See you on Monday, Hero." Nyx waved goodbye to his friends.

"Starlight, you ready to go home?" Raya opened her eyes slowly. "Yeah...but can we wait till the room stops moving?" Nyx chuckled. He helped her up, keeping his arm around her waist in case she fell. Once they made it outside, she stopped. "Nyx, I think I'm gonna be sick." Next thing he knew, she threw up. "It's fine babe Galahad whiskey is strong, and I lost count of how many you had Crowe kept putting them in front of you." Raya nods.

Thirty minutes later had them at his place. "Nyx, this is not my place; it's you." He raised his eyes at her. "Are you 100% sure?" she looked at him then around the room. "No." Nyx smiled as he helped her get to the bed. "I can walk by myself, you know." Nyx let her go as she ran into the side of the bed. "Shit, okay, fine shut up." Nyx just grinned at her.

Once she was lying down, she put her hand over her eyes. "Trash can is next to you, babe." She didn't even respond. Nyx took her shoes off and got her ready for bed with a few mumbles from her, making him laugh. Nyx was sitting in his chair watching tv when he saw Raya tossing and turning in her sleep.

Nyx got up and kneeled next to the bed. "Hey baby, you okay. It's just a dream." Nyx crawled into bed next to her when he saw her crying. Nyx felt her breathing get faster and faster. "Please don't...I'm sorry. I won't do it again..PLEASE."

Raya sat up real fast. Her heart was racing. She jumped when she felt a hand on her arm. "Come here, starlight, let me hold you." She let him pull her back down. Raya played her head on his chest. "Nyx, I'm sorry."

Nyx was rubbing her back. "Shh. You have nothing to be sorry about. Hell, even I have dreams like that at times. Just know when you have them I will be here to hold you till it passes. I promise." Nyx tilted her chin up to look at him. " I love you, my starlight." she started to pout. "I won't remember this in the morning. That's not fair." Nyx laughed.

"Then I guess I will have to remind you in the morning. How's that sound?" Raya smiled. "As long as you do it with coffee." Nyx smiled at her. " Anything for you, starlight." She curls up closer to him. Nyx thought she had fallen back asleep. " I love you too, Hero." Nyx wrapped his arms around her and leaned his head on the top of hers. They both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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