Count 32: Her Loyalty And Her Feeling

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Suasana di meja makan sunyi. Walaupun di ruang makan terdapat lebih dari 10 orang, suasana amatlah sunyi. Semua makan tanpa bercakap.

Manakala suasana di luar pula bagaikan pesta. Bunyi bingit dari pergaduhan antara Alicia, Alesyha menentang Ryuusaki.

Orang yang pertama habis makan ialah Mikaile. Dia mengelap mulut seraya keluar dari ruangan makan untuk merokok. Tidak lama kemudian Yin juga keluar dari ruangan itu diikuti oleh Leon dan Ciel.

Beberapa minit kemudian mereka semua juga telah menghabiskan makanan mereka.

"Jadi, Cik Sarah. Boleh saya tanya?" Soal Saki.

"Apa?" Soal Sarah lalu meneguk minuman di gelas.

"Bagaimana kamu berdua berjumpa?"

"Dia jumpa saya ketika saya bertiarap di jalan. That time I'm lost my precious melon bread because a stray dog stole it." Balas Sarah selamba.

"Eh? Really?" Soal Saki dengan sedikit terkejut.

"Yup. Then, we came to academy together and I was suprise that he is the nephew of Rank 3." Sambung Sarah.

"Then, how did you two become Partner? From Leon was 14 years old, there few people who tried to become his partner, but he reject them all.." Sampuk Sayaka.

"Well, thanks to his aunty." Balas Sarah.

"I see. After all, it is because of Alicia, huh?"


"Then, answer this question." Sampuk Tanya dan Kiyomi serentak.

"You're one of the 3 Special Human-Weapon in this world. You and Uncle Mike..But, Special Human-Weapon like you...Why you choose Leon to become your Partner while you can just fight Unknown alone?" Soal Kiyomi. Tanya pula mengangguk.

"Why, you ask me?" Soal Sarah.

"Yeah." Balas Tanya.

"Well, that because I swear on my life to stick with him until we die. I don't care if I meet someone who are strong than him. Because I know...One day he will become the strongest Warrior in Realm of Life." Kata Sarah dengan bangga dan yakin.

"Your answer is quite mature. I like it." Kata Saki tersenyum.

"Well, thanks.." Balas Sarah selamba.

"What if Leon die first?" Soal Tanya.

"What do you mean by that?" Soal Sarah sambil merenung ke arah Tanya dengan pandangan yang tajam.

"We're warriors. The frontline. We live in battlefield. Whether sooner or later we might die.."

"Then, guess I will die too.." Balas Sarah.

"Hah?" Rata-rata yang berada di ruangan makan itu terkejut.

"You'll die too...?" Soal Kiyomi.

"Why do you think we can use Assimilation Soul? And why you think I said that I is the source of Leon's flame?" Soal Sarah kembali.

Leon, Mikaile, Yin dan Ciel yang baru masuk itu agak terkejut dengan suasana di ruangan makan.

"Apa yang jadi ni?" Soal Leon.

"It is true that if you die, Sarah will die too?" Soal Sayaka.

"Yup. Well, that's is the rule when you choose someone from Einsley become your Partner. I'm guess William never told everyone about this right?" Soal Leon.

"Well, as you can see at their reaction..That's why.."

"Then, Isla...All this time you know about it?" Soal Saki.

LEON: THE TIME CONTROLLERΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα