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So there she was, looking down the long dark corridor. A single torch lit on the opposite end, with a blue door beside it. Soft faint whispers speaking to her as she couldn't make out the voices nor what they intended to say.

But with every passing step she took in the surrealistic corridor. Not only was it dark and narrow, but it was way too cold. She couldn't even see her own fingers because of the dark surroundings.

Clementine sniffled and stepped forward even more towards the blue door. The flames in the torch dancing and creating a shadow that followed her. And once she got closer to the door she could make out engravings etched out on it.

The door showed the letter 'D' and a skull symbol encompassing the letter. There was a surge of confusion in the brunettes eyes as she looked for a doorknob. Then suddenly it hit her, the door had no knob.

She looked back to where she came, not able to see inches past her body due to the thickness of the dark engulfing the atmosphere. So to overpower this she grabbed the torch from its sconce.

Then as she pulled it out of place, there was a clicking sound. And then the sound of gears shifting. And Clem turned around to find that the door, slowly opened. A small fog clouding the other side as it seeped through to her side.

Eventually the door was completely opened and the electronic clanking stopped. She willingly let herself through on the other side and without warning the door slammed shut. She wasn't sure where she was, but it was really hard to see with the deep fog.

She trudged along further until she reached a sign. She flashed the torch towards it and read it. McCarroll.

That was quite familiar to her, but her memory was nearly lost. She couldn't completely remember or she couldn't even think about a lot of things. And without even thinking, and involuntarily, she began walking forward.

As if by magic, the fog cleared and she could see the building ahead of her. Another big sign on top of the McCarrol building. Wide doors and huge windows on either side of the entrance. She tried the door but it wouldn't budge, so she ran across to one of the windows instead and broke in.

It was a miracle that nobody heard the breaking of the glass. But she persisted through the building, looking for something, she couldn't place her mind on what though. Then, out of nowhere, an arm wraps around her throat.

"You shouldn't have come here. We-" before he can say anything else, Clementine kicked him in between the legs and knocks him out. Clementine panted for a second and got a sense of deja vu.

She began walking around quietly, still searching for something. She must've come all this way for something. And as if on cue she heard it. There was a faint cry and a few stray voices coming down a hallway. So, instinctively, she sneaked down that way and pressed her ear to the wall.

"I'm telling you Parker, he won't budge." One of the guys said.

"So what? He's a little kid, if he doesn't listen, make him." The other guy, most likely Parker said. And without warning there was a sound of a smack and more crying. He cried louder and louder rising panic into the brunette. She reached down to the belt of her pants and pulled out her pistol.

Arming herself and making sure the gun was loaded, she took a deep breath. Closing her eyes as the young sobs filled her ears. Letting the air out and opening her eyes she noticed the doors encryption. An exotic design scratched its surface.

"Okay, Clementine, you can do this." She told herself, reassuring her to move forward. "Alright, on three. One, two, three." And just like that she opened the door. On the other side was two dudes assaulting her brother.

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