The Date, Part 3a

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With a little extra effort, Selin's shirt had finally come off. Her bra too. She loved how her bare chest always felt up against his, the heat radiating off their skin and how it blended together. 

Demir had laid her down on the couch, under him, the leather crinkled against her back as he gave her breasts so much extra attention softly with his mouth and hands.

"Demirr! ...Ohhhhh, Demir..." Selin purred his name over and over. "Demirrr...." Selin giggled as his fingertip traveled down her side and tickled her. 

Selin was too caught up in him and their passionate bubble they enjoyed each other in...

Inching his fingers down, Demir kissed the supple skin between her breasts then looked up at her, capturing her eyes with his. "I'm going to make you come again," he told her with a smirk.

--Knock, knock---


--Knock, knock--

"I'm coming in."

Selin opened her eyes, startled. What was happening? She looked around to see she was in her bedroom. The realization that her Mom was coming up the stairs hit her. She looked down to see she was in her small pink robe, all open.

No! she cried to herself. Hadn't she had just been in the Artemim office with Demir on the green couch she had always eyed, wondering what kind of damage they could do there together? And everything was going so perfectly between them. He had given in to her and said he would take her back to the mountain house. He had told her he wanted to start his own business. They had danced around the halls of Artemim like they owned it. 

She closed her robe up quickly and tried to shake off the extreme loss she felt suddenly.

Oohft Demir!

She picked up her phone and saw a message from him that said only one word: Yakinda

"Selin dear. You're not dressed and ready for your date? It's almost 3:45 pm. What time is Demir coming?"

Oh God Mom, don't talk about Demir and coming. 😩

"Ooohf, Mom, I must have fallen asleep." Fell asleep and had such lovely dreams.

"Well you said you were up earlier than usual this morning. Why don't I go make you a cup of tea? That'll perk you up so you'll be awake when Demir gets here. He is picking you up, right? Not making you take a taxi the way some people did."

"Thanks, mom. Tea would be great. Oh, and yes he is."

Just before she left down the stairs, Reyhan asked if Selin knew what she was wearing on her date.

"Got it all picked out already, Mom," Selin said with a long heavy sigh. She jumped up and started getting ready. 

Could their date tonight even come close to her dream?

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All that fire and passion!

All that buildup and desire!





Can you believe it?

Well ....

you shouldn't!

Happy April HYS Clown's Day!

We're all Fools! 😂

the Fur-king of chaos tried to 

give you all  heads up 

yesterday! Look how

worried he looked!

I bet his own brothers are

merciless on him on this 


He's such a cutie, no?

He's such a cutie, no?

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Ignore this and 

The [[[REAL]]]] Date part 3 will

post on Friday! 💕💕

It SO was not a dream! 

Shhhh, don't warn your friends! ! ! ! ! ! 😍😍👍

Don't give it away on social media. 😉😎

Yes, we can all still have a little laugh 😂this one day

during this time because our missed show, HYS often 

sought to make us laugh, smile, and giggle

no matter what else was going on in our lives! 

Thank you for your [[[[NICE]]]] comments! 😁

See you Friday ! 


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