II | intro

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"SAY SOMETHING IN JAPANESE," He said, sternly looking at her. His other kids accompanied him as well as two assistants. They surrounded him in a line-like manner, making him seem much more professional than he actually was. His daughter hissed, her h/c hair whipping against the air as she spun around. "Is this some kind of test?"

He shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not, but it shouldn't be difficult if you bothered to learn some Japanese. Surely you can manage a greeting, right?" Her face fell blank and she stared at him for a few moments. It was clear that her father wasn't going to let her go unless she responded with something. The kids even seemed interested, a few looking up to stare.

Y/n blurted something out, "Nein."

Damien pointed at her, a blunt tone lacing his words. "That was German," She snapped her head towards him and gave him a malevolent glare that could only be brought out by siblings. Damien glared back, his mossy green eyes narrowed as he clicked his tongue. The beauty mark above his lip perked as his father spoke up.

"Japanese, Y/n," He said in a more strict tone and Y/n felt her hands get sweaty under her father's glare. Why does he care? I'll learn some in Japan, for God's sake! She screeched inside her own brain and managed to say something else. "Nĭ hăo," The girl tried to act casual, blinking at her parent as if nothing had happened.

Chang spoke up next, the trio of sisters laughing beside him. "That was Chinese."

"Shut up, brat."

"I'm sorry for knowing my own mother tongue!" Chang dramatically threw his hands up in the air, copying the glare that she'd given Damien just seconds before. Her dad sighed and stared at her, "Do you really not know how to say anything in Japanese?" Something must've registered in her mind as she grinned widely, about to say something else.

"It can't be food."

A frown replaced her smile within seconds. Her mood dipped and she whirled her head back exaggeratedly, looking over her shoulder. "Listen, Dad, I have to get to my gate—" He glared at her, crossing his arms and tapping his foot. "—no, answer me first." The two stood there for a moment, staring at each other.

Suddenly, an announcement in the airport rung out. "Flight 307 in Gate D6 is now boarding, I repeat—" Y/n didn't bother to hear the rest, quickly letting go of her luggage and kissing everyone on the top of the head. She received a smack on the hand from both Damien and Chang as retaliation, but she didn't care.

Her hand accidentally grabbed one of the assistant's arms who looked at her, completely bewildered. The others started laughing and Y/n turned a bright shade of red. "Never mind, you're not family." The words slipped past her lips and she spun around, grabbing her f/c luggage as she ran down the hall towards her gate.

Pushing past the crowd of bustling people and claiming a spot in the line, she got her passport quickly scanned and headed inside. After shoving her luggage into the compartment above her, she took a seat next to the window with a heavy sigh. Here I am, traveling to Japan all on a whim. All because I miss a cat.

She chewed the inside of her cheek, extending her feet as far as she could thanks to a large amount of space that first-class seats blessed her with. Tilting her head to the left, she let it slump against her seat and closed her eyes tiredly. The girl had a long twelve-hour flight, so she had more than enough time to get some shuteye.

Turns out sleep makes time go a lot faster than it was worth since before she knew it, Y/n had already arrived in Japan.

"Hey, get up," The man on her right nudged her awake and she blinked blearily, rubbing her eyes with a small yawn. He didn't bother looking at her after that, grabbing his things as she stood up and stretched briefly. Fixing the headphones that she'd swung around her neck after her third nap, the man moved away as she grabbed her own luggage, leaving the plane.

With a tired yawn, she dragged her stuff behind her. Y/n had traveled quite a few times, so she didn't even want to mull over the time it takes at the bag area where the rest of her things were. This trip just can't go any faster, can it? Wait, I should record! As soon as she got out of the plane, she pulled to the side and took out her phone, clipping it into the selfie stick.

Y/n let out a sigh, facing her phone as she studied herself in the camera. "Ew, I look so disgusting," She mumbled to herself. She had put on light makeup earlier, but after so many naps and a few bumps to the back of her head on the seat, it wasn't as perfect as before. "Um, I just got off the plane, so I have to find a taxi." Y/n muttered to herself.

"Anyway, Bobo the clown has officially gone on tour again, but in Japan," She cheekily smiled at the camera, feeling other people's eyes on her. However, she ignored it. What she was doing wasn't exactly harmless and it wasn't considered 'illegal'. She paled at the thought. What if it is illegal? Oh shit—

She pulled to the side, filming herself as she bought some chips. The girl shoved them into the pocket of her hoodie, the bag inside as she occasionally reached and stuffed a chip in her mouth. "So, I've traveled a few times, but I'm not big brain; meaning that I don't remember shit about the whole airport process."

"I'm just going to," Y/n squinted for a second, attempting to read some signs. "Pretend like I know what I'm doing and follow the signs." She muttered quietly to herself, talking about how her Dad was right and how she should've learned some Japanese before arriving. However, she apparently considered watching the ceiling fan more important.

"Okay, it looks like clowns aren't an exclusion to security, so I'll see you guys soon." She muttered to her 776,000 subscribers. A few people looked at her oddly as she kissed the camera before stowing it away, heading off towards security.

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