XII | winter

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"ACHOO!" Although Y/n's sinuses were acting up and she felt like she was on the verge of death, Noya couldn't deny that that was one of the cutest sounds he'd ever heard in his life. Right now, it was winter and Y/n was definitely not the only one sick. In fact, Tanaka was out sick too. Well, that's what he said in the group chat anyways.

Y/n covered her nose with a tissue, her cheeks still pink with the cold as little snowflakes melted in her hair. "It's snowing pretty bad," Noya suddenly mumbled, looking out the window as he rested his chin on the palm of his hand. He was just waiting for a text from the group chat (most likely from Daichi) that practice was canceled.

It's not that Nishinoya was losing his love for volleyball. Rather, he found himself growing more and more attached to a certain h/c haired vlogger and was determined to walk her home one day. The girl in front of him sneezed again, the tip of her nose slowly growing red as Nishinoya peeked over.

A small smile shaped his lips and he beamed. Cute.

She rubbed at her nose with another napkin, letting out a tired sigh. "I feel so sleepy," Noya perked at that and so did two other classmates around her. He tapped her shoulder before another girl could get her attention, his other classmate throwing him a confused look before turning back to the lecture.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the infirmary?" Noya asked in a concerned manner. Ever since he'd been helping her with her Japanese and him with his English, both of them had created a unique rhythm of communication; they were tempted to talk in their first language, but did otherwise.

In fact, if Noya ever got anything wrong in English while talking to her, she'd immediately correct him and vice versa. It was something the third-years noticed, prompting them to ship the two even more.  "No, I think it's just the effects of the medicine." She excused with a shake of her head.

He didn't buy it, standing up instantly. "Y/n-chan is sick, I'm taking her to the infirmary!" The boy boldly informed both his classmates and his teacher. His proctor stammered to say something, but gave up as the rambunctious libero grasper Y/n's wrist and dragged her along.

"I can go alone," She mumbled, her head feeling hazy. He shook his head defiantly at that and beamed at her over his shoulder. "I'm not leaving you alone when you're this sick, Y/n-chan! Besides, you might be clumsy and run in a wall." He teased her, referring to one of their study sessions back in fall.

She whined, secretly relishing the warmth that his hand brought her. "You mean into, Yū-kun. It's 'into', not 'in'." Y/n responded and the Japanese boy let out a low hum. In all honesty, he wasn't paying attention. Instead, he had no thoughts and his head was empty; Noya was a walking clown.

"How sick are you on a scale of one to ten?"

She blinked tiredly, staring at the ground as she tried to copy his footsteps. "I don't know, maybe a seven?" Y/n answered half-heartedly, only becoming more boggled when he spun around to shake her hysterically. "A seven?! You should've stayed home, Y/n-chan!" Her head pounded and she winced.

"Too loud," Y/n mumbled quietly as she squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them, his hold on her shoulders was gone and the grasp returned to her hand and enveloped her fingers. "I'm sorry," Noya said innocently, offering a light squeeze as an addition to the apology. She smiled, squeezing back.

He hummed little tunes along the way, occasionally making small jokes as he skipped towards the infirmary like a little child. He grew a little tired of making stupid jokes and making one-liners that didn't even make sense, but it was all worth it when he'd hear her drowsy giggles as she fell into his steps.

It made his heart skip a beat as he felt her give his hand another squeeze, his heart hammering in his rib cage. I swear, my heart is 'Rolling Thunder'-ing in there right now! "You should go back to class," Y/n slipped out of his grip shyly, a pink tint on her cheeks as she scrunched her red nose.

He shook his head, "I'm not going back class. If it makes you feel better, I'll go after classes get our work?" He offered. Y/n sighed. She knew that Noya was a very determined and stubborn person when he wanted to be; the glint in his brown eyes telling her that he clearly wouldn't back down from this one.

"Okay, okay." The girl caved.

"Also, you forgot a direction word, 'to'." She held up two fingers as she spoke and his brows furrowed. "How many types of 'to' are there? One, the number, now two because of a direction. Please don't tell me there's three." He dramatically begged as she cracked a sheepish smile. She lifted a third finger.

Y/n smiled at him, "Too as in 'I ate too much' or 'I agree too'. It's more or agreeing." She explained swiftly before entering the infirmary. Noya sighed. He didn't really correct Y/n as much because she was learning from him, studying in English class and Japanese Lit. class; not to mention, her online tutor.

The nurse quickly got her situated onto a small cot, taking her temperature. It was no surprise to see that Y/n had a fever of 38°C (100.4°F), which resulted in another sheepish grin from Y/n and a playfully disappointed look from Noya. Soon, she was all set to take a nap and her grandmother was contacted.

"My grandma can't pick me up. She doesn't drive and I could get an taxi, but—" Y/n had read multiple different creepy Reddit threads, so she'd lost all hope in any type of cab driver that she didn't know personally. Noya sighed, stretching for a second. "I'll walk you home," The boy said nonchalantly.

"D-Don't you have practice?" She stumbled over her words, shivering beneath the blankets. Noya took this as his chance to play Prince Charming, grinning. "Daichi-san shouldn't mind if I miss just one practice," He lied through his teeth, grinning like a triumphant little child.

"Besides, you matter more."

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