XI | fall

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"NOYA-SAN?" Y/n wandered confusedly. He had texted her earlier to meet her at the park for something, but she had no idea what for. As usual, her camera was hanging from her neck, but tucked into her hands. Every now and then, she'd change the angle and film something different.

Y/n huffed and took a seat on a swing, wondering as to whether Noya ditched her or not. Setting her camera on her lap, she took out her phone. However, it instantly fell out of her grip as she screamed. Noya's face was parallel to hers as he hung upside down on a tree branch just a few feet above her.

He started laughing and Y/n put a hand on her heart, still calming down. Wordlessly, she picked up a stick and thwacked his calves. His grip on the tree loosened and he dropped like a fly, chuckles still spilling out of his mouth as leaves crowded around him. "You're terrible, Noya-san," She pouted.

The girl bent down to pick up her phone, ruining her facade in the process.

Her own lips broke into a big smile as her laughter fell into rhythm with his. "I'm not 'terrible', I'm funny!" He replied, his smile stretching across his cheeks; it made her wonder how far he could smile before his cheeks started to hurt. Testing her theory, she pocketed her phone and grabbed the ends of his lips.

"Y/n-san, what—" He didn't get to finish his sentence, choking on his own words as a whine left his mouth. The girl nonchalantly stretched his smile, blinking. "Does it hurt?" He let out another whimper, trying to bite her fingers. "Huh," She released her grip all of a sudden as he rubbed his cheeks.

"You're mean!"

She blinked and snapped a photo of him as she smugly glared down at him. "You're weak." Noya huffed and sat up in the pile of leaves. He threw up some leaves, tossing them in the air before grabbing a handful and slamming them onto her back. Y/n felt the air get knocked out of her, leaves flying around her.

Noya laughed innocently and covered his mouth. "Oops," He said in heavily accented English. If Y/n wasn't tempted to whack him across the face with a giant cinnamon stick right now, then she probably would've paused to admire how cute he looked and sounded. Suddenly, she was spitting irritable German.

Noya backed away in fear, his back hitting a tree. She picked up a stick suddenly, making the libero scream. "COME HERE, ASSHOLE!" She yelled in German as the boy searched for a hiding spot. They both looked insane. One was a short blur as he sped around while the other looked like a. . . let's not say the word of a certain German soldier from the 1940s.

"I'LL GIVE YOU A NICE SERVE, YOU LIBERO!" Y/n switched to English just for a second.

She switched to rapid-fire German and Noya swore he was going to throw his heart up. Here he was, getting chased by a girl that he thought was cute with a giant stick. Was this how Oikawa got girls? Because he could definitely use some tips from the Aoba Johsai setter right about now. He was left with one last resort.

Climb. His fingers dug into the bark as he scampered up the tree. Every now and then, he'd want to just give up and fall off, but the occasional thump against the tree by the angry German spitting girl kept him going. I don't want to die. God, don't let me die! I haven't even gotten a girlfriend yet!

He clasped his hands together in prayer, but let out a shriek when another stick was tossed up and nearly missed him by an inch. "Coward!" She yelled in Japanese and Noya huffed. Reaching for a branch above him, he shook it as the loose leaves fell on and around her. Y/n shook her head, a few of them landing on her face.

Noya laughed haughtily again, making the girl teasingly stick her tongue out in return. However, the timing was unfortunate as a golden-colored leaf landed directly on her tongue. She stood there for a few moments, as if processing what had just happened. The libero started laughing again.

Y/n blinked before slamming the tree with the stick, putting in much more force than before as the branch Nishinoya was on shook. It threw him off and he landed with a yelp, groaning in pain as his back slammed into a pile of leaves before hitting the ground. Y/n spat out the leaf, smirking.

She snickered."Nice landing, Noya-san,"

He sat up and rubbed his back, his heart skipping a beat at what he saw next. The sunlight hit her perfectly and although there were some leaves strewn around in her hair, she still looked like a goddess to him. Her e/c eyes seemed to sparkle as she stared at him and Noya couldn't tell if it was nature blessing them or his own imagination.

"Yū," He blurted all of a sudden, catching her off guard as she adjusted her grip on the stick. For a bit, she'd been watching the brown-haired boy stare off into the distance, but he seemed to snap out of his thoughts suddenly. "I am Yū." He awkwardly said and jumped up, brushing all the leaves off of him.

Y/n stared at him blankly before understanding what he meant. He wants me to call him Yū? As in his first name? Isn't that a big step in Japan too?! Her cheeks heated up at the idea as he cutely chimed, waving his finger in the air with each pronunciation. "Yū-kun." The volleyball player grinned like a child.

He's going to be the death of me. She flushed before nodding slowly. "T-Then, call me Y/n-chan." He nodded, testing it. Her heart melted at the sight of him saying her name, a big smile adorning his lips afterward. His soft hands brushed against hers as he slowly edged the stick towards the ground, smiling innocently.

"Put stick down?"


Noya paled.

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