XX | spring

342 29 10


"HUH? TODAY'S WHAT NOW?" Nishinoya muttered confusedly, clutching a bouquet of flowers that Tanaka planned to give to Kiyoko. Maybe if he prayed hard enough, she'd take them, unlike last year. He unpacked more gifts for her, sighing. "Today's Valentine's Day, idiot. Did you seriously not get anything?"

By now, it was clear to Noya that the entire Karasuno boys' volleyball team was aware of his love for their film girl and refused to not pester him about it. "I mean, it didn't really cross my mind. I got used to not celebrating over the years, so. . . " He shrugged, his heart sinking with guilt.

Ryū recognized the look on his friend's face and sighed. "You can take one of my gifts and give it to her," He shrugged. He didn't seem too bothered by it, his pity for his friend overweighting his love for Kiyoko for once. Noya shook his head, "That's wrong. You got it for Kiyoko-san, right? I'll figure something out."

The second-year raised an amused brow, pointing at Y/n in the hallway. "You better because it looks like you have competition." He said in a sing-song tone. A first-year had presented her love letter to Y/n. It was pink like most of the ones that were being given out and even had a little heart sticker.

Y/n frowned at her kouhai. She only knew Aiko through the school newspaper club. Had she known that Aiko had feelings for her in the first place, then she would've been a little more distant. "I'm sorry, Aiko-chan, but I can't return your feelings." She said politely, clutching onto the pink envelope.

Aiko's eyes welled up with tears as she slowly rose her head, a pit of guilt churning in Y/n's stomach. "It's okay, L/n-senpai." The first-year said respectfully before disappearing down the hallway. Some of her friends must've seen it happen, other people comforting Aiko quietly. I feel like shit. Y/n sighed and dumped her stuff on the desk.

Noya had watched the whole thing and for once, the beating of his heart wasn't because of her. No. It was because of the idea of competition. Noya hadn't noticed it before, but Y/n interacted with a lot of first-years; enough to be better known among them than the second-years. What if she accepts someone else's confession?

His heart stopped at the idea and he swallowed thickly. "Oh," Her voice snapped him out of his spiraling thoughts as his tawny eyes darted to her in an instant. "I got you guys something." She pulled out a small object, placing it on Tanaka's desk. He looked at it skeptically before removing the wrapping.

His jaw dropped and she sighed. "I had to pester her for two hours, so please appreciate it." On his desk was a light brown picture frame, an even more gorgeous picture of Kiyoko putting the frame to shame. He immediately bowed in Y/n's direction, making the girl snort and roll her eyes as Noya grew impatient.

"I can't really give your gift right now, but I'll give it to you after school." She smiled reassuringly. However, it wasn't as comforting as she expected it to be. She got me something. She got me something! And I didn't get her anything?! Man, I'm such a shitty person! He hung his head in shame.

Y/n clarified. "Actually, I got everyone on the team something." She pulled out a tiny green dinosaur plushie, waving it around. It was only after the boys squinted their eyes could they tell that the little tag attached to it said 'Beanpole': obviously meaning Tsukishima. Noya sighed, slumping onto his desk.

Today's going to be a long day.

Indeed, it was; and with each passing hour, Noya's fears only became more confirmed. Throughout the day, two girls and three boys had confessed to Y/n in total. This ended her with a bouquet of roses, an envelope, and two boxes of chocolates. The third boy had bitterly taken his gift back, so she didn't have the teddy bear.

Two girls had confessed to Nishinoya as well, so he ended the day with two envelopes. Noya and Y/n met up as usual at the school's gate. Ever since she started attending her newspaper club, their schedule had to be slightly altered. "Did you say yes?" She blurted out, watching as the sweaty boy shuffled over with two pink envelopes.

He glanced at the envelopes, hardly able to look her in the eyes out of guilt. "No. I-I couldn't," Her urges itched with curiosity, but she didn't press on. Instead, she nodded and walked beside him. "We should stop by Ukai-san's shop," Y/n recommended, his brows furrowing at that. "Why?"

Y/n smiled at him, finally able to make eye contact with him. "Because I'm getting you Garigari-kun for Valentine's Day," She winked slyly as his tawny eyes widened. His heart skipped a beat as he smiled sheepishly in return. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to get you anything—" He started, but was cut off.

She hummed with a slight shake of her head. "You have White Day to return the favor, Yū-kun, so don't worry. I don't expect anything either," The girl shook her head with an adorable expression, making his face heat up at the sight. "Then, I'll take care of my debt on White Day," He said in a determined tone.

Y/n smiled at that, her heart hammering against her rib cage. She was well aware of what Noya's determination could do and what heights it could push him to, so she didn't bother to doubt him for a second. "I'll be prepared then," She teased, winking again as they both sauntered over to the shop.

"Pick as many as you want, I'll pay for it."

His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"Are you serious?"

Y/n nodded and gave him another bright smile, watching as he reached for four Garigari-kun popsicles; all of them soda-flavored. She quickly paid and watched as he didn't hesitate to rip open the wrapper. However, he didn't eat it. Instead, he put it in front of her mouth. The girl chomped down on it as he boyishly grinned.

"I'm going to get you hooked on these too."

She set her things down briefly, sighing as she removed the ice lolly from her mouth.

"Cocaine next."

He snorted, "You're a little too late, I already do that."

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