VI | summer

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"BUTTERS!" His eyes watched the screen intently, snickering quietly to himself as he watched her socks trail after the fluffy blond cat. Nishinoya didn't understand most of the words she was saying, but the energy of her actions and perkiness of her tone was enough to keep him entertained.

It made sense as to why she was so familiar now. Despite the fact that she vlogged and Tsukishima had pulled up her channel (he was barely able to catch a glimpse of it because of his height), it all pieced together in his head now. He searched her name on YouTube and boom, he's now watching her chase a cat.

Americans are weird. He thought to himself, grinning slightly when she finally managed to catch the ball of fluff. Y/n seemed elated, making a triumphant noise as the cat wriggled in her arms. Butters gave up soon enough, flopping lazily. She kissed the top of the cat's head, huffing.

"I moved to Japan for you and that's the thanks I get?!"

Nishinoya still smiled, not understanding anything. His eyes flitted up to the little bell on the top right, clicking it and seeing a new notification. Y/n had just uploaded again! Noya switched the videos quickly, excited to perhaps see more cat content and to also see himself in her vlog. He clicked around, watching it load.

It wasn't until the halfway point of the video did Nishinoya see himself. He smiled even more, watching the changes in his facial expression and seeing more of Y/n's little smirks or grins. His eyes widened a bit when he watched the part that Y/n had walked off at. Her face was pink and her hand covered her mouth.

He tilted his head innocently. I wonder what made her like that? Noya blinked, continuing to watch the video. The scene soon switched to her at home, a time-lapse showcasing her show binge as she slurped up ramen. "I'm going to go call a friend now," Y/n waved, the screen going black.

Nishinoya watched, ditching his work.

The next clip was a few hours later, a little clock on the bottom left notifying her viewers. "So, after three mental breakdowns, two crying sessions, and a bag of popcorn, I finished my homework." The girl sighed into the camera. The only thing Nishinoya was drawn to was "crying". Why would she be crying?

He made the only plausible conclusion, glaring down at the math worksheet. That makes more sense. "I'm acing my English class, but I've been absent a lot because school sucks. I get that education's important, but the system of it is just. . . icky." She paused for a few moments, coming up with a weird sounding word.

Noya snorted. She talks like Shōyō. The video soon ended with its last snippet of Butters as she clicked the light off. Noya glanced at the time, seeing that it was nearly thirty minutes past midnight. I guess it'd make sense that she's asleep. Should I go to sleep too? His insomnia ate at him and he sighed.

He suddenly felt more motivated to do his homework, switching through some other videos on her channel. Of course, he didn't forget to like them too. Just hearing his classmate mumble in a language he didn't understand, it was satisfying. Even if he didn't talk to her much, he got a glimpse into her life before Japan.

It only made the boy more curious. Does she regret moving to Japan? Will she ever go back to America? Questions plagued his mind and he found himself hoping the opposite for the latter. He really wanted to get to know this girl. Maybe it was his extroverted personality talking or her weird, foreign ways, but he was intrigued.

And he would 'rolling thunder' his way into friendship if he had to.

YouTube's algorithm was a mess after the amount of videos Nishinoya had stayed up to watch. Most of the recommended videos on his feed were hers and he wasn't exactly complaining. While walking to Karasuno, he scrolled through the video she'd just uploaded yesterday. The comments blew up with all sorts of stuff.

"Nishinoya looks so pretty!"

"Ah, I'm living for the gold tuft in his hair!"

"I'm already shipping it! 😍"

"My fav clowns, mwAH! 😫"

Nishinoya didn't understand most of it and it's not like Google translate was completely accurate, but he got the gist. His cheeks pinked as a big grin shaped his lips. These people like me! They think I look cute with L/n-san! He pocketed his phone, arriving in time for a brief morning practice.

"Ah, L/n-san!" He instantly sped up to her, seeing her lean against the wall and look at the screen of her camera. She tilted her head up at the sound of his voice, catching a glimpse of the energetic blur. "Hi, Noya-san," The girl waved in a friendly manner as he ecstatically brought out his phone again. "I saw!"

She stared at him, unclear as to what he meant. His English was beyond broken. "Uh," Y/n tried coming up with a response. "Saw nani?" She smushed the two words together, hoping that Noya understood. He blinked for a moment, seeming perplexed. "Your film! Yesterday!" The boy yelled.

He tapped away at his phone for a second before pointing at the changed screen that showed off her channel. "Oh!" Y/n cracked a smile at the fact that he'd subscribed and clicked on the little bell. "Thank you, Noya-san." She gestured to the little dull-colored buttons as his smile widened.

"No problem!" His thick accent stood out, but Y/n found herself staring more at his smile. Suddenly, two voices called out, yelling competitively as they sped towards the gym. Y/n let out a little yelp, an arm swinging around her waist and tugging her backward as she was pulled away from the charging first-years.

"Nishinoya-senpai, that was cold. . . " Hinata whined, rubbing the top of his head as Kageyama quickly recovered beside him. The two were initially going to crash into Y/n, but ended up hitting a pole instead. Nishinoya just grinned cheekily, "I can't let our pretty little film lady get hurt so early, Shōyō!"

Since they were talking in Japanese, Y/n barely caught anything other than 'lady', 'hurt', and 'film'. She blinked, both first-years looking at her studiously as Noya grinned.

"What?" She said in Japanese.

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