IV | summer

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SQUEAKY SHOES. That's what she heard. Y/n L/n hated the sound of squeaky shoes. They just sounded so. . . squeaky. The sound of squeaky shoes was equivalent to the feeling of wet socks in her mind. She clicked a button on her camera, frowning as she watched her sneakers tread towards the sound.

Standing in front of her was a room she'd grown to hate over the years; a dreaded area filled with sweat, horny teens, tears, and never-ending competition: the gym. Sucking in a breath, the girl walked inside anyways. She didn't understand her own actions either. I just went to collect my camera. Why am I going in?!

Her thoughts screamed at her, her shoes squeaking instead as the multiple boys turned to look at her. She only recognized two; the bald one and the one that she nicknamed 'furry'. It didn't help that Y/n was holding a camera in front of her face, recording everything in front of her with little to no care in the world.

One of the boys suddenly jumped and yelled something; the orange-haired one to be specific. He ran around, screaming like a headless chicken. One of his teammates quickly got him under control, grabbing him by the top of the head and yelling in Japanese. "DUMBASS HINATA!" He smacked the poor child.

Her eyes flitted to the men on the right, hearing them speak Japanese too.

"Who is she?"

One shrugged.

"I don't know, I thought you'd know."

Another shrug.

The two talking men stared at the girl. The one with the blond hair approached her first, telling the boys something as their shoes began squeaking again. "Ah!" Nishinoya yelled as if suddenly remembering something. He ran over to his coach, watching as Y/n lowered her camera hesitantly.

"She doesn't know Japanese," He said, pointing at the girl afterward. "She's in my class." Coach Ukai nodded, turning to the girl. In all honesty, he hadn't spoken English in years. Nonetheless, taken classes for the damn language. "Anyone speak English?!" He threw his head back to the mob of boys.

They shared looks and chattered amongst each other for a moment. The silver-haired boy emerged from the group, smiling shyly. "Ah, my name is Sugawara Kōshi. Are you here to watch us play?" The boys seemed awestruck at his communication skills as the girl simply replied, shaking her head.

"I got curious," She answered. Even if Sugawara was decent in English, it took him a bit to remember what 'curious' even meant. English was tricky. "Is it okay if I film you all?" Y/n smiled and gestured to her camera as Sugawara's mouth went dry. She doesn't even know us and she wants to take a video?!

This time, it was Kiyoko that stood up and approached the h/c haired girl. Fluent English left her lips calmly, "We should at least know your name first." Y/n's jaw dropped at the sight of the pretty girl, heart hammering. Maybe there's some undiscovered gay in my DNA. "Y-Y/n L/n-n," She stammered.

Run me over with a tractor and feed me to Joe Exotic's tigers and I'll say "thank you". She stared at Kiyoko, the black-haired girl tilting her head at Y/n. "Your last name is Y/n?" Kiyoko wasn't entirely sure as to whether Y/n responded in the Japanese order or the American one. Y/n quickly corrected herself, sheepish.

"Okay," Kiyoko said quietly before pointing at each boy and rapid-firing names. Two boys, in particular, seemed over the moon at this, dropping to their knees in tears.

"Kiyoko-san called us by our names!"

"Praise Kiyoko-san!"

Y/n just nodded and Kiyoko introduced their coaches too, the men giving a light wave as they glanced at the English speaking girl. The boys were still staring at the interruption, glancing at one another occasionally. Nishinoya was the first to shoot up followed by Hinata. "You left class!" The brunet managed to say.

He pointed accusingly at Y/n, a thick accent accompanying his words. She blinked before nodding, "It was boring." It was her only response and it seemed that she had used Google translate for it, but it was an effort nonetheless. Nishinoya just nodded and Hinata sped over, "Volleyball? Play?" The sunshine blurted, not making any sense.

She stared at him for a moment, not understanding. "No." That was one word that Hinata understood. His smile faltered at that, but he still seemed positive. Sugawara looked over at Y/n, "So, why do you film us?" It was slightly broken, but understandable. "YouTube," She waved her camera around.

Hinata's eyes sparkled as he switched to Japanese, "She could take videos and pictures of our games!" He said excitedly and Sugawara laughed nervously. Kiyoko even seemed perplexed at that, blinking. However, it was Tsukishima that spoke up instead. "You?" He said with an accent, showing her channel on his phone.

Y/n nodded with a small smile and the boys peeled over at his phone. The blond grew annoyed, but didn't move either. He just grit his teeth irritably. "776,000 subscribers!" Hinata said ecstatically. Sugawara glanced at the confused h/c haired girl, exchanging looks with his captains too.

Daichi suddenly threw a ball at the blueberry, Kageyama catching it. "How about we show her a game and let her film it? We'll let her choose if she wants to come back around." He said in Japanese as he shot a smile to the filming girl. Y/n just awkwardly gave a thumbs up, Hinata returning one instead.

Kiyoko nodded. "The boys can play a game and let you film it. Hinata insists that you come to their games and film them."

Y/n blinked, slowly taking a seat as the boys reclaimed their positions for their practice. "Don't you have a school newspaper?" Kiyoko shook her head, her black hair swishing as Y/n stared at her. Your hair even smells nice; what a queen.
The squeaky shoe sound returned, followed by competitive yelling.

"Our school can't afford a newspaper. It's difficult as it is since we don't get much money from matches."

Her e/c eyes widened at this and she smiled. "Then, I'm not leaving this school until they have a proper newspaper."

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