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SHE SMILED, a wistful and blissed expression shaping her facial features as she lifted her camera to film her view of France from their hotel balcony. Even after years, she still had the habit of having her camera hang from her neck. "France is amazing," She let out a breath, her eyes glistening at the sparkling oceans and townspeople.

Her boyfriend looped his arms around her waist from behind, "The pastries here are so good." He added his own commentary, making her laugh. Nowadays, Y/n was still a vlogger and she spent her time by traveling the world with her boyfriend. Surprisingly, it was Nishinoya that suggested the idea.

So far, they'd been to Denmark, Greece, Switzerland, Mexico, Spain, and now France. They planned to get the European countries down first. "I like the views more," She tilted her head slightly, kissing Noya on the cheek. He hummed, closing his eyes briefly as their cat, Soba, purred and brushed against their legs.

Noya knelt down, petting the little feline as Y/n filmed the interaction. Soba was the cat that they'd gotten from an alleyway years ago, and now he was their certified travel buddy. "I was going to save this for dinner, but you're filming and petting Soba is a good excuse." He said in a playfully exasperated tone.

Her brows furrowed as her eyes suddenly widened, watching him pull out a small box. He knelt down in the traditional proposal position, tears springing to her eyes as her camera recorded everything.

"Noya, no." She said in German. After knowing that when she got especially angry or frustrated, she'd burst out into little Germanic fits, Yū took it upon himself to learn at least a little bit of the basics. "Y/n, yes." He smiled, her heart skipping a beat when she saw the determined sparkle in his eyes.

"I'm not kidding and this isn't a prank," He took in a breath, giving her a huge smile. By the way that his lips twitched and his slightly shaky posture, she could tell that he was nervous. "I want you to be my wife." Y/n's back hit against the railing and she would've fallen if it hadn't been for her boyfriend's quick hand that steadied her and pulled her towards him.

This time, she spoke in French. "You're such an ass," Y/n cried, attempting to wipe her tears away, but more came. Noya teased her, letting out a tired sigh. "Damn, another language to learn?" The two paused and stared at each other for a moment in silence, the girl slowly nodding.

His heart hammered in his rib cage and he quickly slipped the ring onto her finger, looping his arms around her waist and spinning her around.

"SHE SAID YES!" He shouted, feeling like the happiest man alive. Y/n giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck as she buried her face in the crook of it. She thought to herself, lips breaking into a huge grin as she stared at the ring through watery eyes.

God, this'll be one Hell of a vlog.

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