XIII | winter

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NISHINOYA GULPED. He was late. Not to morning practice (which slowly became dead due to the growing amount of snow), but to walk Y/n to school. Every day, Noya would walk two blocks and meet Y/n at her bus stop before both of them ventured to Karasuno together. It was a plan that he proposed.

He'd realized after the first time he walked her home that she still filmed everything when she walked, leading to a lot of clips of her shrieking as she almost slipped on the ice with Noya laughing in the background as he barely caught her in return. It was funny to look back on, but painful to experience.

However, after staying up scrolling through his phone more than he should've, the boy was two hours late and was scared for his life. What if he left Y/n in the cold? What if she was shivering and shaking as she was waiting for him? What if he made her late to school too?! Noya would never forgive himself for this.

He hastily got dressed and ran a hand through his hair, spiking it up like usual before messily gathering his things and shoving it into his bag. Double-checking, he muttered random things under his breath before speeding out the door. His feet slammed onto the pavement as he panted.

Playing libero is really paying off!

Dashing down one block and making a sharp turn at the second, he raced towards the bus stop at the end. His feet caught on the ice and he almost fell forward, but he steadied himself by waving his arm stupidly in the air. Noya breathed, skidding to a stop. There was no one there. What the hell?

His eyes were frantic as he glanced around for any sign of Y/n, blinking warily. Suddenly, snow crunching footsteps caught his attention and he tilted his head up. Approaching him was the said girl, two cups of something warm in her hands as she smiled. "Yū-kun!" This has got to be a setup!

There's no way that Y/n and I just happened to be coincidentally late on the same day; this must be like a fanfiction or something! His brows furrowed in confusion as he stared at her. "I thought you were late!" He rambled on and she merely cut him off, thrusting forward a hot drink that he carefully cupped in his hands.

"Yū-kun, school was delayed by two hours. I also stopped by a café to get some hot cocoa for us. Didn't you read my text?" Her head innocently tilted as she blinked, her bulky camera swinging from her neck as she slowly turned it on with her free hand. He blinked. He completely forgot to check his phone this morning.

"N-No, I was in rush," Noya sheepishly admitted as she laughed, shaking her head. She quickly filled in her viewers as to what was going on, angling the camera to face the snow, Noya, and then the ice that covered the ice. "You forgot the 'a', Yū-kun." Y/n faced the camera towards him again as he waved at it, smiling.

She corrected him as he blinked wildly before understanding what she meant. He'd reviewed the letter and its word multiple times over, but it slipped past him often. Repeating the sentence, Noya grew elated to see Y/n give him a pure smile and an even cuter thumbs up. I swear my heart is going to melt.

Y/n adjusted the camera, fixing it around her neck as she mumbled. "Ah, we should start heading to school," Noya nodded. They could come a few minutes late and still be excused by saying it was due to some ice or snow on the sidewalks; it's not like teachers could instantly deny that excuse whilst it was snowing.

She snickered, realizing something after a moment. "Wait, why were you in such a rush? Did you stay up late doing something?" He nodded with a bright smile. Nishinoya pointed at her camera before taking a sip of the hot cocoa. "I stayed up watching some of your videos and going through Instagram."

Y/n pinked at that. She always knew Noya was a supportive friend, but she never expected him to sacrifice his sleep for her. It was 100% a gamer move and it shook her heart to the core. Sacrificing your sleep for someone was the ultimate form of sacrifice in her mind; other than food. "Thank you, Yū-kun."

His crush mumbled quietly in Japanese as he smiled and gave another thumbs up with his free hand. She swore she felt her heart skip a beat as his accent popped out in his cute, "No problem!" The two shared small talk on their way to school, occasionally slipping on the ice before the other caught them.

Some people even looked at them when they broke into random fits of laughter, threatening to drop their drinks in the snow. Once they got to school, however, they immediately rushed inside and threw away their now empty cups. "We should go to that café again. The hot chocolate was good." Noya commented.

They quickly changed their shoes and she glanced over at him, "We can go again on another really cold day. Maybe a day that school's closed." She said with a small smile and he nodded in return, agreeing. "L/n-san," A voice caught her attention and she tilted her head up to meet the gaze of a silver-haired third-year.

"Oh, Sugawara-san. Is something wrong?"

He shook his head with a soft smile, seeing tawny eyes glance at him curiously too. "No, I just came by to give you the club packet. You still have to talk to the counselor, but—" He was cut off as Y/n pulled him into a hug. "Ah, thank you! Wait, so why do I have to see the counselor?" She tilted her head.

Sugawara smiled, "You need to figure out who your club sponsor is and when you're going to start the club." He gave a short answer, already feeling Nishinoya's stare grow harsher and more challenging due to the hug that was just shared between the third-year and his kouhai. "Oh, okay!" She chirped, turning away.

Sugawara let out a sigh, continuing on his way as he watched Y/n blabber on and on about the club to an equally elated Noya. "If those two don't confess soon, I don't know what I'm going to do. . . " He sighed.

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