XV | winter

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"GOT THAT?" Takahashi stood sassily, settling his hand on his hips as he stared at the two teens. Y/n let out a breath, watching it distort the air and make a small little white blob. Noya shivered slightly, rubbing his arms through the thick winter coat fabric. "Sure, sure. Whatever you want, kid." He just wanted to get this over with.

It was as if Takahashi could taste his attitude, the boy picking up a clump of snow and tossing it at Noya's jewels. The libero let out a yelp and dropped to his knees, burying them in the cold as he held his treasure. Y/n started laughing, but looked over at Takahashi afterward. "Takahashi-kun, as funny as that was, stop it. Yū-kun is your senpai too, y'know?"

The little boy huffed bitterly, muttering a half-assed apology. Noya gritted his teeth and nodded back, already wanting to claw the boy's face into bits. "Sorry L/n-senpai! I just got confused since he's as short as the rest of my classmates!" He innocently chimed, tilting his head to the side as he sweetly smiled.

"THAT'S IT!" Nishinoya launched himself at the tiny child, Y/n grappling him quickly from behind. The libero kicked the air fruitlessly, "LET ME AT HIM! LET ME AT HIM!" The girl settled him into the snow and smacked the top of his head. "No." She walked over to Takahashi next, hitting him, but with slightly less power.

"Both of you, get over it and work together. We promised a snowman, so let's make the kids a snowman, Yū-kun. Takahashi-kun, don't treat your senpai so harshly. He didn't mean to kill Mr. Frosty, okay?" She patted Takahashi's head and readjusted his navy blue beanie, the boy mumbling under his breath before nodding.

She pumped her fists up in the air, "Cool! Now, let's make ourselves a snowman!" Takahashi and Noya exchanged looks. Both of them seemed bitter towards one another, but seemed to suck it up since one wanted to impress their senpai while the other wanted to impress their crush. Y/n slowly started clumping some snow in the ground, Noya kneeling down beside her.

She watched as Takahashi gathered the other little kids in the neighborhood, already giving them orders as they scattered around. Guess we know who's the leader around here. Y/n laughed to herself, seeing how he reminded her so much of Chang. "I didn't hit you too hard, right?" The girl turned to the libero.

Noya blinked, shaking his head afterward. He could still feel the pain radiate from the top of his head, but he'd felt worse. He couldn't tell if it was because it wasn't the worst pain he'd gotten or he didn't want to make Y/n feel guilty; either way, he said 'no'. "No, I'm okay." He reassured her, adding more snow to the side of the first lump of snowman.

She let out a breath at that, her cheeks slowly growing rosy due to the cold winds. "Okay, good. Just try not to kill the kids too, alright?" Noya rolled his eyes at her teasing, a grin shaping her lips as he flicked some snow at her arm. Her jacket batted it, but she could still feel the chilling dampness seep the cloth and brush her skin.

"He's nice to you, but mean to me. You're my height too!" He exclaimed simply, pouting playfully. Y/n smiled brightly and jerked some snow at his face, watching it dart towards his nose and smack the tip of it. "Or maybe the boy has good taste." Noya looked down with a flushed face. He mumbled under his breath.

"I won't deny that,"

He murmured, making her instantly turn her head up and look at him with a bewildered expression. The girl beside him barely caught it, but she was grateful that she had in the first place. "What did you just say?" His facial expression changed into pure horror and he could feel his face heat up.

Shit, she heard that?! He exclaimed in his head and quickly faced the growing ball of snow again. "N-Nothing!" Her heart dropped to her stomach at his response, but went along with it. Her nose scrunched, brows furrowing as she let out a sigh. He watched as she added more snow to the circular lump, curling it upwards.

"I meant what I said," Noya spoke quietly. It was definitely a change of pace compared to how loud he was usually. The girl glanced at him again and played along, deciding to tease him back as she chewed on the inside of her cheek. "I know," She winked cheekily at him and the boy huffed, knowing that he couldn't be 'irritated' at her for long.

Takahashi walked over, his little boots stamping into the snow as he sauntered towards the pair. "That's big enough," He nodded approvingly as the teens slowly stood up, brushing snow off their knees. Y/n swore she could hear Noya complain to himself quietly as he rubbed his cold knees in a weak attempt to warm them up.

"Now, you have to help me place the rest of the snowman on it!" He chimed, pointing towards the kids who'd been busying themselves by creating the second part of the body and the head of the snowman. Y/n sighed, exchanging a look with Noya before darting towards the smaller snowball.


She could hear him distantly whine as she giggled victoriously, watching as Noya reluctantly scooped up the much larger snowball. He lugged it over, having to bend himself backward to steady himself against the weight of the lump of snow. Yū managed to plant it on the bottom part that he'd created with Y/n.

After that, his crush placed the last part of it. She had to stand on her tiptoes for it, but it turned out perfectly according to the kids. They all cheered and murmured amongst themselves. Even Takahashi seemed pleased, nodding approvingly and mumbling a 'thank you' under his breath. Y/n smiled and jabbed at Noya, the boy glancing over at her.

"We make a good team, huh?" She smiled, his heart skipping a beat.

He nodded, returning her expression with his own boyish grin. "Yeah, we do."

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