V | summer

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SHE WAS GONE, again. Oddly enough, Nishinoya didn't feel as entertained as he did since the one class he had with Y/n. Ever since, the girl had been showing up after school to watch them practice, but never to class. It won't take long till Sugamama realizes. He deadpanned in his head, snickering quietly.

His head rested on the palm of his hand as he listened to his math teacher drawl on about numbers and equations he didn't care about. Nishinoya didn't even bother to bring out the homework that was due today. If the teacher asked, he'd have to respond honestly.

"It gave me a headache, you wouldn't want your student hurt, would you?"

That was his flawless excuse.

As always, the question was asked regularly. "Has anyone seen L/n?" More murmurs arose as everyone shook their head, lying. Some of them did see her usually traipsing around outside or in different parts of the school, carelessly sipping her juice box as she recorded. She always had a camera slung around her neck.

Nishinoya tapped his foot as Tanaka caught his attention. "Any idea why L/n-san's out so much?" He shrugged, not knowing. He was curious; he wouldn't deny that, but he never got around to pestering her about it. First, there was the language barrier and second, Yū's laziness to properly learn English.

"Maybe our lovely goddess Kiyoko-san knows," Tanaka said. The sliding doors abruptly opened, revealing the person that they were talking about seconds ago. Y/n had messy hair, a wrinkled blazer, and an uneven collar. Even her bow was messed up, one side more lopsided than the other.

"I'm sorry!" She bowed quickly towards their teacher as everyone stared at her awkwardly. The bulky camera hung from her neck, suspended in the air. "I-I woke up late!" She managed to say in Japanese, everyone staring at her. Her pronunciation was a bit off, but her progress was nothing to look down at.

Their teacher sighed as he looked at her. "Apology accepted, but you better have good reasons for your other two absences this week." He replied in English and she apologized again before embarrassingly taking her seat. Nishinoya poked her shoulder like before as she scrambled to set her things down.

She blinked at him, whirling around as Tanaka stifled his laughter. The brown-eyed boy grinned and pointed at her hair, trying not to laugh too. Y/n stuck out her tongue, quickly finger combing it. Somehow, it worked and it looked much better than before. "Why late?" Nishinoya whispered in broken English.

Y/n peeked at the teacher before making a 'sh' motion, slipping a blue paper over to him. On it was some messily written hiragana, but he managed to make it out. Japanese Tutor. Call: XXX-XXX-XXXX. 1,600 ¥ an hour. He blinked, pointing at the paper before pointing at her. She grinned at his cute, confused expression.

"I'm learning," The girl mumbled in Japanese as she adorably threw her hands up in a jazz manner. Nishinoya beamed back, feeling his heart skip a beat.

"That's good," He replied in Japanese with a childish little thumbs up. She nodded, turning back to the board as she listened to the teacher continued. Nishinoya didn't know what it was, but he suddenly felt more energized, sitting up. Maybe it was because the weird American came back to entertain him.

Hours passed and lunch came quick, leading to an adventurous Y/n walking around and filming everything. Occasionally, she'd talk to the camera, but that was about it. "L/n-san, filming?" Nishinoya said in English as the girl glanced over. "Mhm!" She nodded rapidly before swinging an arm around his neck.

She ecstatically introduced him to the camera in English. "This is Nishinoya Yū, he's a really good volleyball player and he passes the vibe check! Maybe he'll be my other circus act, I don't know. Kon'nichiwa!" Y/n said to the camera, hoping that Noya got the gist. The boy blinked, understanding after a moment.

He waved at the camera with a big grin, "Kon'nichiwa, mina-san!"

He squinted, the sunlight messing up his eyesight, but he still looked cute nonetheless. Y/n instantly loosened her grip on him, leaving the boy clueless as she covered her mouth. Pink dusted her cheeks and she mumbled quietly. "He's so cute, I'm going to melt." He blinked, watching her walk off.

"L/n-san?" He questioned innocently with a childish tilt of his head. She shook her head, her skin slowly cooling as she glanced over at the confused boy. He stared at her and waved, making her laugh and wave back. His grin returned at the reaction and he bounded over. "I've mainly been busy with Japanese lessons though! I've been trying to learn!"

Her voice lilted as she smiled at the camera, Nishinoya taking notice. He nonchalantly dropped his head on her shoulder, glancing at her face occasionally while offhandedly staring at the lens. "That's mainly because Butters listens to Japanese commands, but yeah." She said sheepishly, grinning.

"I haven't really done much, but I learned that this school doesn't have a school newspaper, so I need to make that happen! Also, I've been traveling around a lot and the markets and parks are really cool. They aren't all that different, but the vibe is really immaculate." Y/n smiled, her own joke making her laugh.

She ran a hand through her hair, letting out a sigh. Nishinoya blinked, glancing at her. He wanted to say something and energetically pester her some more, but the language barrier and her necessity to vlog prevented him from doing so. "Um, but yeah," The girl inhaled sharply, brows furrowing.

"I didn't think I'd say this, but I miss my siblings; Chang, Damien, Rose, Delilah, Chastity." She paused with the list, her lips pulling into a frown as she sighed heavily. "Even Lillian, Finn, and Gabriel." The girl listed her three oldest siblings. Nishinoya perked his head up at her change of tone.

He seemed curious and concerned, brows pulled together as he studied her facial expressions. "Are you okay?" The brown-haired male stared at her as she giggled at his caring act. Y/n nodded, grinning slightly. "I'm fine, Nishinoya-san," The girl replied. He poked her cheek, correcting her. "Noya. Just Noya."

"Noya-san?" She tested. He nodded, smiling lightly as she smiled back.

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