III | summer

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NISHINOYA SLUMPED FORWARD, his head hitting the desk as he let out a dramatic sigh. School was already boring enough as it was, why couldn't he just skip to the end of the day so he could practice with the others? The boy was convinced that the after school practices hit different compared to the early morning ones.

"Hey, did you hear we're going to have a new student?"

"Eh, really?"

"I heard that she's super rich!"

"Why can't she go to a rich school then?"

Nishinoya perked his head up at the news and his friend seemed to as well. "You hear that, Noya-san, we're getting a new female student!" He piped up, seeming pumped. Nishinoya nodded at that, smiling slightly. The two seemed to sync in their facial expressions, imaginary sparkles popping out of nowhere.

"But no one is as pretty as our Kiyoko-san!"


Class started soon after and the sliding doors opened to reveal the new student and their teacher. "Now, this is L/n Y/n. She doesn't know very much Japanese and just recently moved here." He said in Japanese, knowing full well that the girl couldn't introduce herself on her own. The girl bowed, a sheepish smile on her lips.

"Kon'nichiwa," She pronounced, flushing once she realized the number of eyes on her. Nishinoya, in particular, stared at her intensely, trying to figure out something. It's not like he was suddenly taken aback by her beauty, but she looked so weird. L/n looked odd compared to everyone else; is this what all foreign girls looked like?

Are Americans this weird looking? He thought to himself, studying her. Along with her weird looking face, odd lip shape, and even stranger eyes, there was this bugging feeling that she looked familiar to Nishinoya. They locked eyes for a brief moment, staring at one another with a blank gaze.

He blinked. Kiyoko-san is still better.

She blinked. He looks like a little lion; he's a furry.

The teacher who'd been fruitlessly telling her to take a seat in Japanese sighed and walked to the desk set right in front of Nishinoya. He tapped it and the girl got the memo, setting her stuff down quietly. The other students still seemed to be bewildered by her presence, but she was unfazed.

As the teacher began talking, Nishinoya found himself getting constantly distracted by the new girl. She looked familiar and it bugged him as to why his tiny brain couldn't process the reason behind it. Occasional questions were asked followed by the brief answers, but the dark-haired boy found himself even more confused by her.

Why isn't she taking notes? Despite the fact that Nishinoya was writing half-assed notes and Tanaka was doodling little pictures of Kiyoko beside him, he didn't understand her. Maybe that's what made her so interesting; or it was his exceedingly extroverted personality, he wasn't quite sure as to why he felt so drawn to her.

Not being able to ignore his impulses anymore, he tapped her shoulder. She whirled around, nearly hitting him in the face with her h/c hair. He blinked. I didn't think this through, crap! He deadpanned in his head before hastily grabbing his notebook with messy kanji written all over it. "L/n-san," The boy quietly started. He thought back to his English lessons.

Even then, Nishinoya barely paid attention. Instead, he blurted out the only word he could think of to explain his sudden urge to talk to her. "Book," Nishinoya said, a dull tone in his voice. His English was still heavily accented and it took her a few seconds to process what he said. Nishinoya made some wild gestures, pointing at his notes and making a writing motion.

She stifled a laugh, nearly snorting and blowing their cover. A small grin crept up his lips at the act, liking the thrill of talking to the seemingly equally extroverted girl. "It's okay," Y/n responded in Japanese, shaking her head. He snickered. How are you going to say it's okay and then shake your head? Americans are so weird!

"Nishinoya," The teacher suddenly called him out and he immediately whirled his head towards him. "You're not distracting our new student, are you?" The embarrassed boy quickly shook his head and ecstatically gestured to his notes, explaining the situation in Japanese as Tanaka watched him with an amused expression.

The teacher simply nodded, looking over to Y/n expectantly, but she already seemed to be dazed and in her own world. Sighing, he continued on with his lesson for the students that were paying attention. The math class ended quickly and they were released to their ten-minute break, some of them meandering in the halls or stretching in the classroom.

"The day hasn't even started and my head already hurts," Nishinoya commented dramatically as Tanaka grinned. "But Kiyoko-san's lovely face will make up for all the pain, won't it?!" He exclaimed, catching a lot of his classmates' attention as they glanced over at the pair. They didn't bother apologizing, continuing their conversation.

As their break came to an end and they all settled back into their seats, Nishinoya found himself wondering as to where the new girl had gone. In fact, nobody seemed to have a clue. All that was left of her was a small bag with a metallic clasp on the side. "Has anyone seen L/n-san?" The teacher asked and there were little to no responses, just soft murmurs.

"Isn't that her?"

One boy peeked out the window and suddenly the entire class was attempting to too out of sheer curiosity. Their instructor sighed and massaged their temples, staring out the window to see that it was indeed her student. "I'll make sure to take her things to the counselor's office then," Disappointment laced her tone, but she continued her drawl of today's lesson.

Nishinoya slumped in his seat again, flicking his pencil boredly as he occasionally wrote things down that he thought was 'important'. There was no doubt in his mind that he'd fail the next quiz, so why bother trying? The only thing that mattered in his mind was volleyball, his friends, and his family.

If going through this boring lesson would mean that he'd get to practice just a few hours with his friends after school, Nishinoya would try to pull through as many times as he could.

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