XXII | spring

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"IT'S NEARLY BEEN A YEAR," Sugawara frowned as he crossed his arms. Noya looked back at him, already knowing what he was talking about. He swallowed thickly, putting a volleyball back. "So?" The third-year setter sighed. "So, you should confess. It's clear that she likes you back, Noya-san."

The libero's doubt still ate at him and as much as he wanted to believe Sugawara's statements, he couldn't. He didn't say anything, making Sugawara sigh again. Not wanting to push it, the third-year left the supply closet as Noya tossed the last volleyball in the basket, sauntering our afterward to grab his things.

Luckily, Y/n didn't have to meet with her club today, so she was waiting for him outside the gym. He said bye to the others as they watched him leave quickly, the boy obviously in love with the girl. "He better say something soon. I heard five people confessed to her on Valentine's Day." Daichi chuckled lightly.

Outside the gym, Noya and Y/n had intertwined their hands like usual, swinging them back and forth boredly. "My grandma said it was going to rain today," She mumbled, looking up at the slowly graying clouds. Noya quirked a brow, "Really? It was sunny earlier," The two made small talk, smiling at one another.

Suddenly, they stopped when hearing small cries in an alleyway. They glanced at one another, Noya heading in first as Y/n trailed behind. It didn't take long to find out the source of the cries, the libero nearly tripping over the small cardboard box. Inside was a small white kitten curled up in a weak attempt to keep warm, the two peeking to look.

It was almost instantaneous as Noya scooped up the cardboard box and carried it the rest of the way home.

"What're you planning to do with it?"

He stared at the sleeping kitten, "Raise it."

His answer sounded definite and the determined tone of his voice didn't falter. Y/n smiled at him, tilting her head curiously. "Have you had a cat before?" Noya blinked, his mind blanking at her question as he sheepishly shook his head no. Immediately, Y/n started sounding like a professional.

The entire walk consisted of Y/n giving him cat caring tips and nearby veterinarian places to check out. Noya took in a breath, wanting to laugh at how much of a worrywart she was. "I'll be fine, Y/n-chan," He reassured, casually smiling as she raised an eyebrow. "You sure, Yū-kun?"

He nodded, giving her one of his breathtaking smiles as her cheeks flushed. The pitter-patter of her heart returned as it beat against her rib cage. "I'll see you in a week or so," Y/n smiled as he stared at her from her doorstep. He nodded slowly, trying to console himself. "Yeah," His smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

His heart dropped as he watched her inch her door closed, his hand subconsciously waving to say goodbye again as she childishly returned the action. He'd forgotten.

Their spring break had just begun and Y/n had told him a few days she ago that she planned to travel to America over the break to go see her family again. How could I forget? He scolded himself as he slowly made his way to his own home, the rain already starting as he shielded the kitten from it.

He wasn't completely sure as to what to feed the kitten, so he merely gave it a bath and some water to drink out of. He didn't have cat food and most pet stores were a long walk away and for once, Noya didn't feel like running so much. He felt like one of those girls in American movies after a breakup; sitting on the couch with a tub of ice cream and stacks of chick flicks.

His mood suddenly perked as he watched the kitten knock down a picture frame from his dresser. It was the picture that a stranger had taken of Y/n and him; one that he tended to admire a lot. Suddenly realizing something, he grinned anxiously. Two birds with one stone. Two birds with one stone. He repeated in his head.

Grabbing the cat, but forgetting the umbrella, he buried the kitten within the warmth of his white t-shirt and sped outside after shutting the door behind him. Noya became drenched head to toe pretty quickly, his feet slamming into the pavement as he raced towards Y/n's house with flushed cheeks and a big smile.

Water splashed against the back of his legs as he darted down the streets, his spiky hair falling apart and sticking flat against his forehead as the rain poured on. The kitten started whining again and Noya let out a sad huff. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, little one." He mumbled, sprinting to Y/n's doorstep.

He managed to skid to a stop, avoiding a hit to the head as his face was just inches away from the door. Unable to contain himself, he knocked rapidly. Noya swore he could hear footsteps inside the house, the door slowly opening afterward. He didn't even let Y/n get a word out, panting heavily as he coddled the kitten in his arms against his shirt.

"What if I told you I really, really like you?"

The words finally slipped past his lips and he found it hard to regain his breath, but not because of the physical toll of running.  Y/n hadn't said anything, but searched his eyes in awe instead. She just had to see one thing, once she saw it, she knew that this was 'for real'. Her heart skipped a beat as she found it instantly.

The determined glare.

Her lips pulled into a huge smile and she tugged the boy by the collar of his shirt, smashing her lips against his. His tawny eyes widened, but he smoothly returned the kiss. Well, as smooth as it can get with a cat in your arms. They pulled away with equally elated smiles, grinning widely. Suddenly, she blinked as if realizing what was going on.

"Wait, why are you here?"

He sheepishly smiled, "I may have just realized that I have no cat food."

Y/n rolled her eyes and pulled him inside, "Get in here, you dork."

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