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I wrote this book like 2 years ago! And I know a lot of you like it, so I'm not going to take it down, even though reading it makes my eyes bleed.


I've got a new story out! Still updating but it's really good and the writing is so much better than this one!


If you like Teen wolf or Doctor Who then this is a story for you!

Honestly you don't even have to know a lot about either story to like this story.

If your interested or just need something to read, it's under my works!

It's called Bad Wolf's Daughter

I promise it's not cringe, if you watch Doctor Who then you'll understand the Bad Wolf reference.


My Bestfriend has a story out too!!
Please go and follow her and check her story out, I've read it myself and honestly 10/10

She's @yoonminxhannah   yoonminxhannah and her story is called "A rose of Destruction" it's an original and it's really good, and this is coming from someone who reads teen wolf fanfics everyday.

No I'm serious, all I read is teen wolf. How do I not get tired??


You've got two new stories to read: Bad Wolf's Daughter and A rose of Destruction

So now you can't complain about nothing to read because were posting new chapters like once a day.

Genim and Celeste Mikaelson [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now