Chapter 3

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This is a bit of a filler before Karlie's Christmas party. It will pick up soon though.


When Grace woke up she immediately felt off, and she knew she wasn't in a bed. It felt like she was almost sitting up so when she finally became awake enough to open her eyes she took a moment to adjust to the surroundings. She could see Karlie laying on the couch across from where she was, Karlie's hair wildly sticking out from the blanket she had covering most of her head. She then remembered they had all fallen asleep late last night watching some awful movie Karlie insisted on.

She was laying on the sectional that Taylor and Karlie had occupied for majority of the night, however, she had switched with Karlie before going to sleep so Karlie could better accommodate her long legs. Her head was on Taylor's shoulder, where the two girls met in the 'L' of the sofa. Taylor's legs stretched out one way while Grace's legs laid across the seating. She sat up slowly, trying not to disturb Taylor, whom she assumed was still asleep.

She turned her body to look at Taylor, only to be met face to face with the blonde awake and going through her phone.

"Morning," Taylor whispered. Her voice was still groggy sounding, indicating she just have not been along as long as Grace thought.

"Morning," Grace croaked out, "Sorry I feel asleep on you, you could've kicked me off."

Taylor smiled and chuckled softly, "It's okay, you looked comfy so I didn't want to wake you. But I'm glad you're up now, I was starting to get bored."

Grace smiles as to indicate amusement with a light blush but she is a little bit embarrassed about practically laying into Taylor all night. Taylor begins to get up and leave the room, Grace frowns and scrunches her eyebrows at her.

"I have to pee! I waited for you to wake up!" Taylor whispers playfully back at the brunette before heading down the hallway. Grace doesn't know what to do in the absence of her new friend and looks towards the clock on the wall. She has to leave for the airport in a few hours and needs to go back to the hotel and pick up her things. 

Karlie had said they would be going back to the hotel before flying back to New York together. They had booked separate flights on the way into California because Karlie's work had paid for her flight way in advance but Grace managed to get a ticket on the same flight out. Grace clicked off her phone, finding an absence of messages to respond to. 

When Taylor came back into the living area she waved at Grace to follow her to the kitchen. Parker was no where to be found, probably assuming the girls would be asleep for hours yet. Taylor asked if she wanted some coffee, now returning her voice to it's normal volume because Karlie wasn't in the room.

"Please," Grace answered and watched as Taylor started the coffee maker. Once it was done Taylor poured two cups and turned to face Grace.

"What do you take in it?"

"Two sugars, or sweetener if you have that instead," Grace said. She wasn't sure if Taylor was the type of celebrity who refused to eat sweets.

"Sugar it is," Taylor smiled and put it in Grace's cup, matching it with her own, "I always have sugar, I love baking."

"You bake?" Grace questioned. From what she saw in the news Taylor was always off doing a tour or promoting an album, she must have been wrong about her previous impressions about the blonde because she had no idea Taylor even had time to have friends over, never mind bake.

"Oh yeah, it's kind of my thing," Taylor sat down on the stool next to Grace. She enjoyed the view she had of the window from the counter island, it was different than the city landscape she had become accustomed to.

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