Chapter 11

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“Foreign Language”



Point of view


Chapter 10

Let’s go back in the day when Tsuna and the ghosts received the letter from the Vindice. On a certain mansion, far away from Japan. A silver haired man was watching our little brunette on a very large monitor.


Sembra che egli ha inviato la lettera sbagliata ... Vabbè , mi limiterò a inviare personalmente.” He said as he ate his favorite snack, while watching the disappointed brunette.

(Trans: It seems like he sent the wrong letter... Oh well, I'll just send it personally.)

“Let’s meet someday, Tsunayoshi-kun” He said in Japanese and smirked at the live video he is watching.

~ ~ Tsuna ~ ~

After what happened earlier, they are now part of the game I am playing, that’s why I told them to be careful, because ‘that bastard’ will definitely have something in his mind. Even though I don’t know that man, I mean the bastard who took away my family from me; I know how mysterious people act. They are just like me who is full of surprises.  

While walking in the corridor, a certain memory flashed to my mind.

‘--Oh well, It’s not like we will meet again or he will know who I am’ I face palmed myself as I remembered that.

‘How come that one of the greatest hitman in the world made a mistake on his mission? I need to be more cautious on my actions. Hayato has genius memory and if he heard my voice again, he might remember me and tell it to Tsubasa. I don’t want them to be more involved  in my problem. They don’t have anything to do with it.’ I thought as I continue to walk back to my classroom.

Suddenly, I felt my Hyper intuition tells  me that something will happen today and when I passed the boys comfort room. Someone yanked me and I found myself inside of the comfort room. Inside, I saw my oh so great brother Takumi and his underlings. The other is holding my arms, maybe so that I cannot run.

‘Oh great’ I rolled my eyes on my mind. It’s a good thing that my wound is healed though, I can feel that the side effect of using my sun flame without sky flames is acting, making my body weak.

“Hold him very tight” Takumi ordered his underlings and they followed. Takumi started to crack his fist and then positioned and punched me in the gut.

Maybe, if I’m on my Cielo mode, I can evade this simple punch, but I don’t want to show the real me. It will cause some commotion and I don’t want that.

‘GAH!’ my response to his punch.

‘I hate my body. Now a weak punch like this can hurt me. Oh well, Whatever. I’ll just drink the pain killers, Rae-san gave me earlier so that she won’t get angry at me, especially Akira-sensei.

Silent People are Sometimes Dangerous [Rewrite will be on Oct 27, 2017]Where stories live. Discover now