Chapter Twenty Nine:Lazy Day

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"Oi. Lazy butt. Get up."

I groaned and tossed over.

"What do you want?" I grumbled into the pillow.

"Get up."

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." I whinned like a child.

"My dad, your mum and Megan have gone out. We have the house to ourselves for the day."


My eyes were still closed and my face burried into the pillow. I moved up along my bed and pulled the duvet slightly back. After a few seconds I felt a dip in the bed and the warm familiar body of Adam next to me. His strong arms wrapped themselves around me. I snuggled closer to him.

"This is way better than getting up." I muttered.

I felt and heard his chuckle.

"You are so lazy."

"I know."

I've been secretly dating Adam for two weeks now. I've had so much fun with him. It's like he's a completely different person. He's not the dick, self obssesed Adam. He's the sweet, kind, funny and honest Adam. It's hard to think that he was such a prick before.

"Are you sleeping?" His breath was warm on the back of my neck and shoulder.

His breath sent tinkles up my spine. It always did and probably always will. So will the way I loose myself in his blue eyes. My heart still pounds when he kisses me and my heart skips when I see his smile. He makes me so happy. I feel safe in his arms.

"I would be if you shut your pie whole."

"Moody." He muttered.

"Keeper awaker."

His soft lips pressed down on my shoulder and I felt my lips go up into a smile. All morning

"What the hell are you watching?"

"Pinky and the Brain." I replied grinning.

He looked at the two mice on the TV screen then back at me. He shook his head and laughed. He walked into the kitchen and then came out carrying two bowls of coco pops.

"Breakfast is served." He smiled and handed me a bowl.

"Yum!" I grinned and began to shovel the yumminess into my mouth.

"You're crazy." He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Cute crazy or cat lady crazy?"

"Cute crazy." He chuckled.

I put the empty bowl on the table and snuggled up to Adam.

"I like when your not a douche and don't hate me." I mumbled into his chest.

"I never hate you, I just hated the effect you had on me. I thought if I acted like I hated you, then my feelings would go."

"Have you ever felt like this before?" I asked him.

"No, I haven't. Have you?"

I shook my head. This was new to me. I've never felt this strongly towards somebody, and never somebody who was my mothers husband to be's son.

"What time are they supposed to be back?"

"No idea." He answered. "We could've spent some of the day out if you'd of got up quicker."

"But my bed is comfy. And I was sleepy. And you're so cuddly."

He grinned and spread out his arms. I moved over and was soon engulfed in his warmth. I could hear his heart beat and felt his fingers through my hair. He reached a few knots and I heard him chuckle.

"We go back to school soon." I sighed disappointed.

"I know."

"What will we do?"

"Learn stuff."

"Well duh. I mean about us."

"We act as though this doesn't exist. We can't have people knowing about us."

"Are you sure you'll be able to resist me?" I smirked.

"Oh yeah. Definatley. The real question is will you be able to resist me?"

"I think I can manage."

"We'll see."

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