Chapter 11: Keep Your Eyes Open

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"Lisa you have to go to bed," Chaeyoung said as she leaned in the doorway of Lisa's music studio, yawning. They had finally gotten back from the masquerade at around two in the morning which wasn't unusual for one of Kim Soo-Hyun's parties. But what was unusual was for Lisa to not instantly collapse on her bed and pass out like a light.

Tonight or was it morning? She went straight for her studio and began playing, scrawling madly in her notebook.

"Not yet, I'm having a moment of brilliance and you know those don't happen much Chaeyoung," Lisa said, not even looking up at her friend. Chaeyoung sighed as she watched Lisa flip between different sheets of paper and her notebook. "I have to finish this."

She picked up a piece of paper and read over it. Chaeyoung recognized the cursive handwriting. It was a letter. Chaeyoung sighed again.

She was back to the letters.

"I found it!" Lisa said triumphantly as she waved the letter around in the air. She cleared her throat and began to read: W4W- People wonder if it's worth it. If love is worth it, if everything in this crazy world is worth it. They wonder how many times they have to wish on a penny or a falling star to actually have something happen to them. Well sometimes you have to actually open your eyes to see what's happening around you. Sometimes you have to actually see around you, you have to see the miracles. You have to keep dreaming. You have to keep looking. You have to keep wondering.

Lisa's lips twisted upwards with a smile. "It's the way she writes that moves me in a way no one else can," she whispered as she scrawled something down in her notebook.

"That's nice and all but Lisa you have to go to bed," Chaeyoung insisted.

"I will… I will," she muttered, her dark eyes focusing on her papers. Then her pencil stopped in mid stroke. "Did you see the way her brown eyes sparkled?" She said out of the blue. Chaeyoung looked at her friend curiously.

"What?" Chaeyoung asked. "Are you talking about Jisoo's friend?" Lisa nodded.

"She's unlike any other girl I've ever met," Lisa said. "She didn't faint or scream or try and touch my face as if I wasn't real." She said, smiling at the thought of Jendeukie. After she had kissed her, she had just sat there and smiled at Lisa.

And she had smiled back.

"That's because she didn't know you were Lisa Manoban," Chaeyoung said.

Lisa shook her head, she refused to believe that was true. Jendeukie's opinion of her wouldn't change depending on if her name was Lisa or Lalisa or Seaweed Brain.

"Why don't you remove your mask so I can see your face?" Lisa asked as she reached up to take off the ornately shaped mask. Jendeukie flinched backwards, her hands flying up to her mask and clutching in securely.

"Please don't," she whispered. Lisa looked at her curiously.

"Why not?" She asked. "It's not as if you're hideously ugly under there… or are you?" Jendeukie let out a laugh.

"No it's not that. Just please, tonight I want to be liked not for how I look underneath or what my name is. I want to be liked for who I am. So let's not remove the masks. You just be Seaweed Brain and I'll be Wise Girl? Okay?"


"Lisa, you need to go to bed," Chaeyoung said, coming over. She picked up Lisa's notebook as she stared off into space and closed it. "Come on."

Lisa allowed herself to led away and to her room where she collapsed on her bed, not bothering to change out of her clothes.

That night she dreamed of brown eyes and stars smiling down on her.

It started with a letter (JenLisa AU) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now