Chapter 23: Bloom

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Standing above the busy street of Seoul, her gaze looking at the skyline, it was the most incredible, sensational feeling that Jennie had ever felt in her life.

Standing above everyone, it the same realm as the clouds, it made her feel… important. It made her mind clear. Standing above everyone else made the big things seem so small. Looking at all the different buildings made her own problems seem so small as she realized that there were so many other people in the world who were suffering just as much as her or even more.

Standing above everyone else made her feel powerful.

Some people were terrified of standing on a ledge, gripping a railing which was your only protection from falling to your death, but to Jennie it brought an exhilarating feeling coursing through her veins. It made her feel wild and free.

And freedom was a feeling that she never wanted to give up.

Freedom was way too precious to ever let go of.

Freedom was hers.

"Lisa, this is amazing," Jennie said as she looked out at Seoul, at the blinking lights as she faintly heard the sounds below.

"I told you that everyone has to see the Dongdaemun Design Plaza at once and you have to stand on top of it," Lisa said as she leaned against the railing next to her, the wind brushing her raven black hair from off of her forehead. "When I stand up here, it reminds me just where I've come from. I don't know, I like it up here."

"Jisoo would hate it," Jennie laughed.

"Pincecone face still have a big fear of heights?" Lisa asked.

"Her fear isn't one you can ever get over, she still can't even go on the Ferris wheel when we go to a theme park," Jennie said. "She gets all the way to the front of the line and then she just stops and her eyes go wide and she nearly passes out."

"What about you Wise Girl, do you like heights?" Lisa asked.

"I love the feeling it gives you, the rush and the excitement. And for some reason I love the control. You have a chance to jump and fall to your death and as morbid as that sounds… I like having the choice. I like being able to chose in life."

"I like being able to chose as well," Lisa said solemnly.

"That's why I like writing, you get to chose who dies, who lives, who gets their happily ever after, who doesn't, I'm in charge and I get to decide," Jennie said. "I think that's what got me started writing when I was little, I got to make the life I had never had before."

"Jennie, it amazes me how everything you say sounds so incredibly profound," Lisa said, shaking her head. "Sometimes I wonder if you've memorized something to say for everything someone else says that makes you sound so brilliant."

"Lisa that's so ridiculous," Jennie laughed and then she tossed her curls over her shoulders saucily. "I'm just naturally this brilliant."

"Well if you're going to be that prideful then I won't be sharing my sandwiches with you," Lisa said, folding her arms but her eyes were twinkling as she kicked the picnic basket that was at her feet.

"What type of sandwiches?" Jennie asked curiously.

"Oh the usual, peanut butter and jelly, turkey and swiss… oh and I remember reading somewhere that you love avocado and honey mustard," Lisa said. Jennie blushed. She mentioned almost every other chapter in The Letter Writer that she was craving such a sandwich.

Just thinking about it made her mouth water.

"Well I guess I can try and not be prideful… only for a few minutes to eat a sandwich," Jennie admitted.

It started with a letter (JenLisa AU) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now