Chapter one

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When I met you in the summer!

"Whoever's phone that is, turn it off right now. We're still in class!" Oops. That would be me. My boyfriend Connor had explained to me last night how to get my ringtone to one of my favorite songs - I'd just had a new iPhone. My best friend Alice giggled at me.

"Bit too overexcited are we Clo?" She whispered to me.

Alice has been my best friend ever since I can remember. We were born on the same day, so we like to call ourselves twins. She was right though - I was a bit too overexcited. Well, you can't blame me.


Everyone hurried out the classroom, buzzing for the six weeks to start. Whilst they would all be just lying around during their time off, I'd be on a dream vacation with my perfect boyfriend and his talented band.

I only ever saw my boyfriend Connor once a year, and that was during the six week holidays. My mum and dad were never too keen on the idea of me and Con being a 'couple', as such - they hated the huge age gap.

Well, I say huge. It's only three years. I'm fifteen, nearly sixteen, and Con's eighteen, so it's not extreme. A lot of people think I'm only with him for the money, when that's not the case. Yes, he may be in a band and yes, he may be extremely rich but when you love someone, that's it. I'd be with Connor whether he was rich or not, because he's also the sweetest, most caring boy you'll ever meet, I promise you.

I was the first one to run out. Normally, I'd walk slowly because there's so many hypocrites at my school, but today I just didn't care. I'd be seeing my boyfriend, best friend and life for the first time this year.

I sprinted and shoved people out the way, not caring about anything or anyone - then spotted him. As soon as he noticed me I noticed a giant smile spread across his face, and as I dashed up to him it grew even larger. He picked me up into a front piggyback as I buried my face into his neck.

"I've missed you so much," I whispered, and I felt him smile once again.

"I've missed you too, Clo," he replied, carefully putting me down.

I grabbed hold of his warm hand as he lead me to his car and opened the door for me. As he strolled over to the driver's side I sat down, then noticed something. Leaning forward a little bit, I reached for a cute little gift, wrapped carefully and delicately, a tiny ribbon placed on top of the box. It read For my baby girl Chloe, I've missed you!xx

I smiled and traced my fingers gently over the shiny paper as Connor's door opened and he plonked himself down into the driver's seat. It was then that I saw Alice stroll past and stare into the window, making kissy faces with her younger brother, Lucas. Me and Con giggled together, then leaned over and gave each other a quick peck on the lips. I saw his eyes flicker suddenly towards the small parcel in my grasp, and he nodded towards it.

"Go on, open it." He smiled in his cute little accent.

"Oh, fine," I giggled, tearing off the paper in excitement. I caught a small glimpse of silver, and gasped. Huddled inside the paper was a gorgeous silver necklace with Con & Clo Forever embroided on it. I saw Connor's eyes light up in happiness as I swung the beautiful necklace around my neck.

"Here, let me do it up for you," Con offered sweetly, both of us knowing I couldn't do up necklaces for anything. I heard the little clip come together, then felt Connor move my hair gently back to where it was.

"Thanks Con," I smiled.

"It's fine. I've got a few people for you to meet after we've collected your stuff. Instead of just me, you and the boys on this holiday, there's a few new additions." Con must've seen my disappointed look, as he squeezed my hand and reassured me that I'd love then, although I wasn't too sure...


"Hey sweetie, hey Connor," my Mum greeted as we stepped into our large hallway.

"Hey Mum. I'm just going to get my bags, then we're going. I'm so excited!"

"I bet you are." I saw Mum flash a quick smile at Connor. "Thankyou so much for bringing her along honey."

"It's fine, Mrs Payne. Honestly, she's worth it." Before Mum had time to reply, I dragged Connor up the stairs to my room. He took hold of two of my heaviest bags for me and carried them carefully down the stairs. We then took two more each and dragged them into Connor's car with great difficulty. It then began to rain, so me and Con stayed in for a it and chatted to Mum and Dad about our relationship, whilst helping ourselves to biscuits and tea.

Finally, the rain calmed down. I clamboured into Connor's car and waved goodbye as we drove off to James' house. I knew I'd miss my parents; I'd never been away from home before. However I couldn't help but get excited for the holiday of a lifetime that awaited us.

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