Poor Puppy

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We walk into the Great Hall for dinner after spending the rest of the day in the common room sharing candy, reading our new books, and writing thank you notes.

Draco and Areas were laughing at the story I was telling of when Nev was five and he painted himself and Pinky green because he wanted to become a plant. They both had a green hint to them for almost a week afterwards.  Neville was pink and was shuffling on his feet refusing to look anyone in the eye. 'He's so cute' I mentally coo. 

".... he flat out refused to let us clean the paint off him until I told him that if he was a plant then he wouldn't be able to take care of the other plants anymore and wouldn't be able to eat ice-cream,Or talk to Draco and I anymore. He back tracked real quick at that. Telling me that 'The plants need me to take care of them more than they need me to  be one of them.'" I shake my head smiling at the memory.

"You have to show me a picture" Areas demanded through his laughter. 

Draco nodding along still laughing to much to talk.

"I do i'll show you this summer. I've also got a picture of the time Draco dressed up like Aunt Cissa because she 'Pretty like a Princess'" I tell him happily.

The boys share a look of horror before shouting "NO!!!" 

Every head in the Hall looked in our direction from where they sat at the one table in the middle of the hall. Dumbledore of course had his 'Throne' moved to the middle of this table like it was at the head table. Of course the Great Albus Dumbledore couldn't sit on a bench with the rest of us commoners. I ignore the seven students and six staff that were staring at us and take a seat on the 'Students' side and continue to Areas as if the boys hadn't interrupted.

"The picture of Draco is a wizarding picture so it shows his dancing in Aunt Cissa's clothes and high heels. It's my favorite picture of him. Well besides the picture I have of those two in a bath making mustaches out of bubbles.  I tell Areas happily. Always in the mood to talk about my babies and all their shenanigans. "We can make a day out of it. Looking at the boys baby pictures. I do have to warn you though I had a elf follow them around when they were little taking pictures of them whenever they did something cute or extremely stupid. So there's quiet a lot of them."

Areas started laughing again nodding in agreement. I hear two thuds and look over to see the boys have banged their heads again the table to hide their faces. 'Ah my babies are embarrassed how cute!' I mentally squeal.

I look at the others around the table as Areas start teasing the boys. 

Hagrid was sitting at the end of the table drunk off his ass. Every few minutes he would burst into fits of laughter. Madam Hooch was shaking her head at  Hagrid with a small smirk on her face. 

Flitwick was next to Madam Hooch with his new joke book telling a joke to Mcgonagall then laughing almost hard enough to fall off his seat. Mcgonagall eye kept twitching. I wonder how long shes had that stick up her ass? I'm surprised with how far she got it stuck up there it doesn't play Peak-a-boo every time she opens her mouth.

 Dumbledore sat next to Mcgonagall his eyes twinkling full blast. As soon as we sat down he was watching us like a hawk even when he was 'Listening' to Madam Promphrey as she explained the fascinating ways muggles deal with injuries. "....and it takes up to eight weeks to heal a broken arm!!!! Can you believe that not being able to use your wand arm for eight weeks! I don't know how they do it..." She was exclaiming.

Snape was at the other end of the table looking like he wanted to be anywhere other than here. Not only is he being forced to sit in this horridly decorated Great Hall, he also has all those rare/hard to get ingredients just sitting in his private potion lab right catching dust. If it were me I would have said screw it and not even came to dinner no matter what the headmaster had to say about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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