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Before anything, I would like to say thank you to the reader(s) reading this. It's been a long time since I've been writing again, and I decided to have another fresh start by writing this fanfiction. 

I absolutely love the dreamies, and I'm pretty sure whoever is reading this does too!

So I really do hope you enjoy these stories I have written for you!

A word of caution: Some of these stories have sexual/graphic/sensitive content that may trigger some people's thoughts.

 If you are sensitive/uncomfortable with these kinds of things, please proceed and read the stories with caution. For every chapter with these topics, I will indicate it before you proceed with reading the chapter.

Each story will have 15 Chapters. Please bear with me if it takes a while to update🙏🏻 

This will be order for every story.








Order will be repeated throughout.

⚠️: Please don't attack  me for sexualising the dreamies. If you dislike the content, I would appreciate it if you left me alone instead.

I really hope you enjoy reading these and please share it around if you do so!

【The Seven Deadly Sins】Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora