𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖊: 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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"Sorry about Renjun, Y/N. He's just messes around in school a lot. But at least it doesn't affect his grades. He's not wrong about being the best at academics here. He's actually a good kid, trust me."

The woman apologised for Renjun's behaviour towards me.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Ms Irene. The head of NMA. You don't have to be so formal around me unless necessary, and welcome to the school!"

She gave me a warm smile. She was so so pretty. Ms Irene's office smelled like strawberries, probably because of the scented candles around. It was pleasant.

"Here's your school timetable. I trust that you won't skip any of these lessons, I mean you came because you wanted to study here, correct?"

She asked and I nodded, unsure of how to respond to her. I then heard the school bell ring.

"Great! You may move onto your first class then. Call me when you need me!"

Ms Irene says brightly and I take my leave from her office. I make my way to my first class, Potion Chemistry.

I didn't know how to get there, what's even worse was that I didn't dare to ask anyone about it. I decided to try my luck, but before I could, I felt an arm around my shoulder.

"So, need help finding anything? Or a class? I know this school pretty well."

Renjun. I turn to face him.

"If you're gonna try to get me attacked by girls who are probably staring at us right now, I suggest you keep your hands away from me."

I say nervously, and Renjun surprisingly followed suit.

"Anyways, I'm heading for Potion Chemistry-"

"Oh I'm in that class. First period?"


I still didn't dare to ask, I wanted to, but he answered my thoughts.

"Let me take you there then. Don't worry about the girls by the way. At least 70% of them are taken by other dudes in the school."

Renjun proudly says which was both disgusting and funny to me.

He leads me to the class and I already see a professor there, along with more students.

"Renjun! You got yourself a girlfriend?"

The professor joked and I hid my face as Renjun laughed. Way to get embarrassed on my first day.

"Nah. Professor Kun, she's the newbie. Mind if I sit with her to help her out?"

Renjun offered and gave me a smirk. What the hell is he up to?


Professor Kun gave him permission and Renjun let me to the seats next to the window.

"No one really sits next to me anyways. At least now I have a partner."

Renjun says quietly. What happened to being the most popular dude in school?

I stayed quiet most of the time with him throughout the lesson, while Renjun helps me with things I didn't understand whenever he sensed that I couldn't get it. Not gonna lie, Potion Chemistry was slightly easier than I thought. It was an interesting topic. Special ingredients for potions that can only be found within the campus, brewery books, I loved it actually.

"Now, we will be doing a practical for the next lesson in pairs, find yourself a partner and report it to me."

Professor Kun announces. I was about to get up as I see girls coming towards Renjun. That was when Renjun suddenly shouted.


He claims and grabs his stuff as he swiftly grabs my hand and drags me out of my seat to confirm our partnership with Professor Kun. I could feel all the girls' eyes on me and Renjun was holding my hand while he was talking to Professor Kun. We left class and I jerked my hand away from him.

"What do you want?"

I snap at him, but not too loud to try not to make a scene.

"Uhhh well, I need to rush off for my next class now. Tomorrow, meet me at the entrance of the school. I'll explain to you then."

Renjun grabs my phone and does something before returning it.

"I just gave you my contact. Call when you need me. See ya around newbie."

Renjun says before seeing Taeyong and the two other tall dudes and walking away with them.

I had no clue what that was about, it was weird. That cocky boy who causes trouble in the school even though he's apparently the 'best student', was being nice to me. The troublemaker, being nice to me. How ironic, how suspicious. 

I didn't want to think about it too much, so I decided to dismiss it for the rest of the day.

Now the question is, will I meet him or not?

【The Seven Deadly Sins】Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora