𝕰𝖓𝖛𝖞: 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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"When I was a kid, I had this friend I would always sneak out to hang out with. He was the only friend I had back then, even though I knew nothing about where he was from. We would joke around, play together, and at some point we had crushes on each other. But one day he just told me he would be going away and he couldn't see me anymore. After that, I never saw him again..."

I told Taeil, who was my closest friend.

"Do you miss him?"

He asked and I let out a sigh.

"I guess. But I don't even know if he still remembers me till now."

That was the truth, I really missed him. Even with having Taeil around now, I really hoped that I would be friends with that guy from childhood for a long time. I guess losing people is just part of growing up.

Taeil sighs.

"Well, to make you feel better, the king invited everyone in the kingdom to attend a ceremony in the palace, for the new prince, today."

My eyes widened at his words.

"For real? In the  Candlelight Palace?"

Taeil nodded. I've ALWAYS dreamt of being inside the palace, seeing what royalty lived in. I imagined crystal chandeliers and gorgeous grand decorations.

"Well then? What are you waiting for? Let's get ourselves prepared!"

I exclaimed and we both went back to our houses to get dressed, where I decided to wear a pink laced mini dress with matching white heels, and returned to the same spot after 15 minutes to go to the palace together.

"Wow Y/N, you look amazing!"

Taeil complimented me. I was used to him doing and saying such things.

"Thanks! You don't look so bad yourself!"

We laughed and began to make our way to the palace. I couldn't believe my dream was about to come true!

We made it to the palace faster than we thought, turns out it was REALLY close to the small town Taeil and I lived in. There weren't many people there yet, which was surprising because I expected a large crowd to be there early.

"Looks like we're early."

Taeil says and I nodded. We walked towards the entrance and we were warmly greeted by the guards on standby and the butlers and maids.

"Welcome! Please enjoy the refreshments we have prepared for the guests before we officially start the ceremony in half an hour!"

One of the butlers gave a warm smile and I gave one in return.

"Thank you so much!"

I responded back and entered the palace. Taeil and I were in surprised by how beautiful the palace was. It was exactly like how I imagined it, but even better.

3 huge crystal chandeliers were suspended from the ceiling, one right at the entrance, the other two at each side of the palace. The walls were pearl white with paintings hung and the floor was made of white and gold colored marble. Gold was shimmering everywhere. There was a huge platform behind a stairway right in front of us, where I figured that it was where the prince would be presented.

"Absolutely stunning..."

I said said in awe. It felt like I was in a dream. I then followed Taeil to the side with refreshments.

We then luckily managed to get upfront as the palace slowly began to get packed. The ceremony was about to begin. A tall man with a really handsome face and clear skin then made his way to the platform, followed by two guards from the palace.

"Greetings to everyone! I am king Jeong Jaehyun, just call me Jaehyun, and I would like to thank everyone who was able to make it to this revealing ceremony. We are glad to make this the first ever revealing ceremony of the prince open to everyone outside royalty."

The king smiled and everyone applauded.

"I bet all of you are excited to know who's the new prince. To the young ladies in this room, hope you don't pass out, this one's a keeper."

Jaehyun joked and young women around, including myself, laughed.

"Well then, let's call him out! You can come down now kid!"

The king turned back to the side staircase behind him and raised his voice for the new prince to make his way down. The prince came out and slowly made his way down before standing next to the king. The young women around me were squealing, and I could see why.

He was SO handsome, and cute. He had beautiful tanned skin, with chocolate brown hair. He had a baby-like face, eyes that made him look both intimidating and friendly , and a smile that I felt like could melt me.

But even with these impressions, seeing him made me feel nervous. Something about his sudden presence felt strangely familiar.

My eyes were focused on him, his face, his charming smile, as he was showing off that cute and handsome face while I tried to figure out why I felt that way. Suddenly, the prince turned to me.  We made eye contact, and I inhaled sharply as I stood rooted to the floor.

We shared the same expression, confused and in disbelief. The way he looked at me, I knew  it. I recognized  the way he looked at me. Flashbacks suddenly started to fill my mind.

There's no way it's him. There's no way he lived near me the entire time. He would've at least tried to see me.

But as soon as the name was announced, my heart ached.

"I present to you, the new prince, Lee Haechan!"

It was him.

That boy in front of me with that cute and handsome face with that smile, looking straight at me.

It was him, Haechan. The only friend I had back then, my childhood  friend.

And he was a prince.

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