𝕲𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖉: 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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Day 2. Still being treated like an outcast. These men will never learn how to respect me, and it pissed me off. I continued on research about the upcoming assignment from Sir Yuta, where we had to plan on how to take over an area where no one looks down on us. We would have everything in our possession. I was looking through documents of the given place's history, which happened to be where I was from.

"Y/N, where are you from?"

I suddenly heard Jaemin ask me.

"The area we're gonna take over."

I say simply, focusing on my work.

"Damn, you will be of great help then. You must know the place pretty well."

Jaemin pointed out, and an idea hit me. I could use this chance to prove that I can get things done here.

"Yeah. I do."

I respond again, not taking my eyes off the screen. Jaemin then moved closer to me in his seat and placed his hand on my chin to turn my head to face him.

"Then the both of us wouldn't need to do this paperwork anymore. You got everything. Once we head out, stay with me at all times. Don't go anywhere alone, or with anyone else."

Jaemin says slowly in a dark voice before smirking. It was hot how he tried to get my attention. I watched his hand turn my computer off before he got his hand off my chin and rolled back to his desk in his seat.

Damn, what was that about.

Sir Yuta sent another assignment. I checked what it was. A list of people living in the area. First thing I saw, my parents' names. I wondered why my parents were involved, until I scrolled down and read more of it. I held my breath.

It was a murder assignment. My parents were in the list.

Sir Yuta then comes out of his office to make an announcement.

"If you have already seen the task assigned, we need to get this done ASAP. You may head out for the task once you're ready. Y/N, you may have to stay here."

For fuck sake. I'm gonna be left out again-

"I'll take her with me, we can't leave her alone here. She needs to at least see how things are done here."

Jaemin says out loud, and Sir Yuta seemed to approve it. I tried not to make it obvious that I was glad he said that.

"As long as she's near you, I'll allow it. Now get lost."

Jaemin laughed and moved his face closer to mine and whispered.

"I told you so~"

He got up and gestured me to follow him for weapons.

Hours passed, and we have already began killing. We entered the area and started murdering the people on our list in order. Bloodshed was everywhere, its metallic scent filled the streets. Damn this was fun. The guys here, including Jaemin, were surprised that I was capable of carrying out this task.

This was it, next on the list, my parents. We intended to raid my house, but they didn't know I lived there, excluding Jaemin.

"So, who starts?"

One of the guys asked. I was hesitant. I didn't think that I would actually kill them. I had a plan in mind. I was going to keep Jaemin out of this.

"I'll do it. I'll kill them. I know these people more than you do."

I said, and Jaemin glared at me.


Jaemin said lowly. I wasn't afraid of what he would do if I didn't follow him. I got up and entered the house. I was praying none of the guys would hear me.

"Mom? Dad? I'm back."

I said to try and get them in the living room. Luckily I didn't wear anything that was suspicious, other than the fact that I reek of blood.

"You're back early- Why do you smell like blood?"

My mom comes out of the kitchen. Shit.

My dad then comes out of his room too.

"Did you get beat up at work? I told you, you shouldn't be there."

My dad's words angered me. My blood was boiling.

"Why? Why do you two ALWAYS have doubts on me? WHY? I've ACTUALLY been doing WELL AT WORK."

I screamed at my parents, tears suddenly coming out, and my father approached me, looking like he was ready to throw a punch.

"You know, we never really considered you as our child for a while now. You're weak. We don't want anyone like you."

My dad says coldly. He grabbed my shoulder, swinging his fist at me.


A loud noise came from outside, and my dad froze. I turn to see what it was.

Jaemin, he held a gun.


He yelled and I turned to my dad. He was on his knees, his pool of blood beneath him.

I ran out of my house, and another loud bang was heard. My mom, she was shot too.

I watched them die and bleed out infront of me, and Jaemin grabbed my wrist and took me to my backyard, where no one was watching.

"I told you to stay with me. Why didn't you listen? That pretty face of yours was almost ruined."

Jaemin kept his voice low and looked at me intensely, before looking around him. I was practically crying.

Before I could say anything, he swiftly pins me against the nearest wall and attacks my lips with his. I instinctively respond to him as he deepens the kiss, our tongues fighting for entrance. He lets out a soft moan before coming up for air. He smirked.

"Damn, you know how to respond well. Just keep that in mind anytime you want to go off away from me again."

He laughs, I felt my cheeks burning.

"Lets head back before they suspect shit again."

He said and I nodded, still shocked by his sudden kiss attack. He grabbed my hand as we headed back to join the squad, continuing our killing spree.

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