𝕲𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖉: 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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"Interesting, a girl joining the mafia. Can't believe you got accepted. Well, welcome to the gang then. Your table is all the way at end, the furthest to your right."

Sir Yuta said to me, both doubtfully and welcoming. I rolled my eyes. Damn, why do people see girls as weak? We can do jobs like this too.


I responded, almost snapping at him, which he didn't realise. Dumbass.

I entered the office building and looked around. I really was the only girl. I went straight to my office table, and noticed I was isolated from everyone else.


I let out an exasperated breath and took my seat.

Honestly, I never really thought I would join the mafia. At first, I was hesitant because I didn't know what to expect. My parents always thought I was weak, the weakest one in the family, just because I was the only girl and I was younger. I've had enough of them being biased towards my elder brothers who were overseas. I figured that joining the mafia and being successful would show them that as a girl, I can take on responsibilities guys do too. I also wanted to show them I have what it takes to be the dominant one in the family when it came to finance.

"Alright everyone listen up, we have a new recruit. Y/N please stand and introduce yourself."

Sir Yuta shouted across the room to get everyone's attention. I stood immediately, not wanting to make my colleagues first impression of me a bad one.

"I'm Y/N, and I hope that I will be able to work with everyone here well."

I spoke as everyone had their attention on me.

"Since she's new, I'll assign one of you to her as her senior. You will have to move all your items to another table next to her and keep a close eye on that girl."

Sir Yuta said so mockingly that I wanted throw my chair at him. Everyone else laughed. 


"Alright, Jaemin, move your ass amd stuff to the table next to her."

Sir Yuta called a name out and went to back to his office and I saw a pretty boy stand up. Hello new nickname for him if this Jaemin doesn't learn to respect me.

'Pretty boy' then made his way to the table next to me and took a quick glance at his new desk before looking at me. He was so intimidating. He looked at me from head to toe and parted his lips slightly before before stepping closer and bending forward, with his face so close to mine. He bit his lip and played with his tongue in his mouth.

"It's sad that your pretty little face could practically get destroyed within days, especially with Sir around. Now get up and help me move my stuff."

'Pretty Boy' said to me in a low voice and me made straight eye contact with me, and it was undeniably hot. The fact that he made me feel nervous with that voice was hot.

"Okay pretty boy."

I responded sounding annoyed. His expression suddenly changed, it was dangerous.

"Damn, you talk back. Bold one aren't ya? Well, I have a name. Didn't you hear Sir? Show some respect pretty face."

He did not just give me that nickname. What the fuck.

He said with a hint of threat in his voice. That didn't scare me.

"Fine, Jaemin."

I responded, pretending that I cared.

He stood back up and I got off my chair as I rolled my eyes and followed him to help bring his stuff to his new table.

Minutes passed and we brought all his stuff to his table. He began to arrange his stuff and I went back to my seat.


Jaemin suddenly calls me and I turn my attention to him.

"What is it?"

I snapped, hating and pissed at the attitude the people in this mafia building were showing me.

"Stay close to me at all times when we head out for missions. Not gonna let that pretty face of yours get ruined. I want to get used to seeing it."

Jaemin says quietly, looking at his desktop computer the entire time, also making sure that no one else heard him other than me.


I responded, a little confused with his change of tone. We then went back doing our own personal assigned work given through the emails we received.

I could tell, my colleagues' first impression of me, daring, probably weak, from how they responded to Jaemin being assigned to me. But my first impression of them, they're complete uneducated assholes.

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