The Slayer's Baby Girl

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Flynn Taggart, The DooM Slayer, a human welcomed in the holy city of Sentinel Prime. A soldier in the Night Sentinel Army, and a father to a baby girl. A cute, small little child with (H/c) hair, (E/c) colored eyes. Her name is (Y/n) Taggart.

An older Night Sentinel approached Flynn, who was holding his sleeping baby girl gently in his arms.

Valen- "She is truly a beautiful young lady."

DooM Guy- "Thank you Valen."

Valen- "I am sorry for what happened to her mother."

DooM Guy- "It is horrible. I swear on my life to protect her and keep her safe."

A fully armored Night Sentinel runs in.

Night Sentinel- "Taggart. The Priests and King Novik request your presence. And they said for you to bring your daughter."

Taggart puts his daughter in her crib, and quickly suits up in his Marine Armor. The same old grey helmet, green chest piece that shows off his abs, and fingerless black leather gloves. He gently picks up his baby girl and carries her to the castle. Taggart had grown accustomed to the Sentinel traditions, food, language, and lifestyle. He walked into the castle to see The Seraphim, King Novik, and the three Sentinel Priests, Deag Nilox, Deag Ranak, and Deag Grav.

King Novik- "Welcome, Slayer."

DooM Guy bows down in respect to the King and the Priests, resting his left arm on his knee while holding (Y/n) in the other.

Deag Grav- "We seek to congratulate you on becoming a father to such a beautiful daughter. Perhaps one day, she shall become the next Great Slayer."

DooM Guy- "Thank you, Deag Grav. I have sworn to protect her with my life."

Deag Nilox- "That is not your duty. Your duty is to protect us against the demons."

King Novik- "It is not your place to judge the Slayer's choice."

Deag Nilox- "My apologies, King Novik."

The Seraphim floats towards DooM Guy and reaches out with his right arm.

Seraphim- "She shares the gifts I have given you. She will grow to have strength and power equal to yours."

He presses a finger against (Y/n)'s temple, leaving behind the Mark of the DooM Slayer.

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