Father Daughter Reunion - Part 1 - Welcome Home...

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You woke up to the sound of the gunship engine speed up. You looked around and saw Hana asleep, resting on your shoulder. You felt uncomfortable. You then felt the ship rock and shake. Something was wrong. The ship was going down. It crashes and slides a ways before stopping at the base of a structure.

You look at Hana, then take out your note book.

Are you OK

Hana- "Y-yeah. I'm fine. You OK?"

You nod. You walk to the back of the ship and push open the bay door. You look outside and see the chaos that has befallen this part of the world, Central Europe.

The man standing in the middle of the chaos, untouched by the evil, uncorrupted by the Demons, wearing green armor, with a pump action shotgun in hand.

Is that him?

He charges at the Demons, killing them swiftly and without mercy. No man could ever hope to do this and survive.

It is him! The DooM Slayer!!

You charge after him, only to have Hana grab your hand and pull you back.

Hana- "No! We can't go to him!"

You pull your hand out. You take out the note book again.

I have to!!

Hana- "I know your armor is based off of his, but we don't even know if he's on our side. Come on, we gotta get to Gibraltar!"

You make a pouty face under your helmet. You give up and go with Hana to get back to Gibraltar. You found a shuttle depot being guarded by ARC Marines. You help fend off the Demons while Hana tries to bargain with the guard to let you past.

While you helped fight, the ARC soldiers kept asking you if you were the DooM Slayer. You just kept showing them a note that said your not the DooM Slayer and you just have armor like his.

Eventually, the Demons slowed down and stopped coming, and Hana was able to get you two a ship ride to Gibraltar.

Time Skip brought to you by Chibbi (Y/n) trying to fight Chibbi Dr Hayden.

When you got back to Watchpoint Gibraltar, the whole place had gone to hell, there were Demons everywhere, and the capable soldiers and agents of ARC and Overwatch, weren't doing to well.

You felt rage swell up inside of you. You grabbed your combat shotgun, and jumped out of the shuttle, landing on top of a Fireborne Baron. You shoved the barrel of your gun into it's throat and fired, blasting through the back of the Demon's head. You saw a piece of what you though was pipe in a pile of gore. You pulled it out and you realized it was a barrel for a shotgun, with three barrels instead of one. You quickly took off the standard barrel of your combat shotgun and replaced it with the new one.

You quickly turned and aimed the new barrel of your gun at an Imp, the barrel spun twice before you pulled the trigger and the gun somehow repeatedly fired.

It has a full auto attachment!? Awesome!!

You held down the trigger, releasing a continuous spread of death onto the Demons. Nothing could stop you, no Demon came close to you, not wanting to meet their deaths at the hand of you, a seventeen-year-old woman in a suit of advanced space marine armor with loaded weapons and bullets for days.

After a hour of fighting back the monstrosities of Hell, you walked into the field of carnage to see why they kept coming, a small Gore Nest. You see a glowing pustule, you punch it and it bursts open, inside is a beating heart. You grab the heart, ready to tear it out. A hand belonging to a Dread Knight grabs you and pulls you through the portal, tearing out the heart still connected to the Nest.

You fell through an abyss of white blue light, n 

The next thing you saw was a long, seemingly medieval hallway, lined with Guards in white armor with spears pointed towards the middle of the roof. You got up and walked down. The guards shouted something you couldn't understand and pulled their spears closer to their torsos.

A creepy, seemingly angelic being greeted you at the end of the hallway.

What is that thing? Where even am I?

Angelic Being- "Welcome home, Young Slayer."

Daughter of the Slayer - DooMGuy  X Fem!Daughter!Reader X OverwatchWhere stories live. Discover now