Father Daughter Reunion - Part 2 - ...Young Slayer

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You stared at the angelic being, and it only stared right back at you. You tilted your head in confusion.

Angelic Being- "You are, (Y/n) Taggart, are you not?"

You backed away panicked and crashed into one of the guards. He stumbled backwards. You looked at him, he knelt down with one arm on his knee and the other still holding his spear with his head bowing down.

Guard- "My apologies, Young Slayer. Please forgive me."

You backed away from him.

Angelic Being- "Will you say nothing, as your father did?"

You point to your throat.

Angelic Being- "Ah, you can not speak."

You help the guard to his feet.

Guard- "Thank you, Young Slayer."

Why does everyone keep calling me that?

The large door behind the Angelic Being opens and you peer across a large thriving medieval city. It was beautiful. The Being took you through the city to a castle in the middle. You walked with the Being to a large throne room with a man wearing pieces of armor that looked like the Marauder's, but he looked human and wore a crown on his head. You could easily tell that he was a king.

King- "Maykr Angel, why have you disturbed me?"

Maykr Angel- "My King, I have brought to you, the young Slayer, (Y/n) Taggart."

You bow down to the king in a similar manner to the way the Guard bowed to you.

King- "Take her away. She is not of Sentinel blood!"

Maykr Angel- "But my lord..."

King- "No buts! She is the descendant of the man who killed Deag Grav, spilling his Holy Blood on the grounds of the Arena!"

A man in armor similar to the guards armor ran in. His armor looked very similar, but he had a blue shoulder pauldron.

Guard- "My King."

King- "Ah, Commander, how do your Night Sentinel's fair against the uprisings."

Night Sentinel- "As I have told you before my King, they are not uprisings. They are merely protests of the peoples opinions."

King- "Well how goes it with quelling them?"

Night Sentinel- "My king, many of the Royal Sentinel Guard have joined the protests for the Slayer to regain sovereignty here."

King- "Preposterous! He killed the Holy Priests!!"

Night Sentinel- "I am sure he had his reasons to do so, my King. Was it not the Priests of the order of Deag that granted him sovereignty on Sentinel Prime? He has saved our people time and time again, will you not allow him to save his own?"

King- "Hmm, now that he has killed the Priests and lost all sovereignty, he can have his pathetic world. The Khan Maykr will deal with him in time. As for the people, anyone who does not stop protesting for the Slayer's return shall be banished to the underworld!!"

Night Sentinel- "B-but my lord..."

King- "Do it, it is law. Choose your side, Commander. Are you with your king or the Usurper!?"

Night Sentinel- "I am a believer in the Prophecy of the DooM Slayer, but I am loyal to only you, King Greiv."

King Greiv- "Good. Spread the word! And banish anyone who sides with the Slayer!!"

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