Return Of The Young Slayer

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All Lena could do was stare at you, marveling at the fact you are still alive. You were much older now, you had grown, learned, and most importantly, you had survived in Hell for a long time. You stared right at your mother, eyeing her top to bottom. You draw your shotgun and aim at Lena and Jack.

Lena- "(Y/n), what are you..."

Lena was cut off by the shotgun blast you fired at them. You were far enough away that it didn't hit them, but just close enough to scare them.

(Y/n)- "Go back to your Dark Lord and tell him that your disguises don't trick me!"

You walk away to the massive tower like structure behind you. Lena, Jack, and Felixis wonder what you meant. Could the Dark Lord have tried to trick you in the past? One thing was for certain, Lena would not give up. She zipped inside after you, staying just out of sight. Lena followed you walk to the central hub of the tower. She watched as you took off your helmet, cast it aside, and fell face first onto a makeshift bed resting in the corner. You groaned as you tried to fall asleep. A male robotic voice spoke to you.

Voice- "Are you having trouble sleeping again?"

You turned onto your back

(Y/n)- "Why can't I sleep, VEGA?"

VEGA- "It is entirely possible you are just not tired. Perhaps the empowerment that was passed onto to you by your father, or maybe the strange time stream of Hell has something to do with it."

(Y/n)- "Your probably right, VEGA. You usually are."

VEGA- "Thank you, Slayer."

You sigh as you sit up on your bed.

(Y/n)- "Might as well get some work done."

You get up and walk over to your helmet, which rested in the corner. You set it on the control console and walk to the bridge exit. Lena hid by that exit, she watched as you walked out and into another room, where you walked down the stairs of the armor hall and into the workshop. Lena followed you down to the workshop, where you got a box of sentinel tools and walked back out to the central hub. You climbed back up the stairs and walk into the command room, where you walk to the portal machine. You began to tinker, removing parts and components, trying to repair it. It sparked up and sprayed a green liquid substance at your face.

(Y/n)- "Ghh, fuck!"

You quickly fixed the leak before it sprayed anymore of the green substance.

VEGA- "I forgot to warn you, there might be a lubricant leak."

You throw a tool at the console, clearly aggravated.

VEGA- "My apologies for not saying this sooner, Slayer, but try adjusting the Argent flow conduit."

You get out of the greasy mechanical device and retrieve your wrench before returning to the open machinery and adjust the part VEGA spoke of.

(Y/n)- "Ok, VEGA, try opening a portal to the Betrayer's cave."

VEGA- "Processing, setting coordinates, activating portal."

The two portal generator pillars rose and a large red portal opened. You poked your head through and saw your friend, Valen the Betrayer. He looked at you surprised and happy.

Betrayer- "Hello again, young Slayer."

(Y/n)- "Hi Valen. I finally got the portal to work!"

Betrayer- "Excellent news. Have you seen the human people searching for you?"

(Y/n)- "What?"

Betrayer- "An older man, a young woman, and a female Marauder knight. They were searching for you." 

(Y/n)- "Mom, Jack, and Felixis? No way, they couldn't know I'm here. How would they even get into Hell without a portal machine or interdimensional tether?"

Betrayer- "Some Marauders possess the knowledge to open a temporary gateway between realms."

You were silent for a moment before you realize you shot at your real mother.

(Y/n)- "Oh #$%&."

You walk back through the portal and sit down in front of it.

(Y/n)- "I shot at my mother. My actual mother!"

You raise your arms and cover your face, filled with anger and embarrassment. You hear heavy footsteps and get up, raising your super shotgun. The door opens, revealing Lena, Jack, and Felixis. You drop your shotgun.

Lena- "(Y/n)?"

(Y/n)- "Hi Mom."

Lena smiles at you brightly. Unable to contain her excitement, she charges to you and embraces you in a hug. You hesitate before hugging your mother. An emotion floods your mind and body, one you haven't felt in years, happiness.

Lena- "Oh my gosh, look at you! Your all grown up now!"

Your smile changed to a frown of sadness.

(Y/n)- "Mom, I... I'm sorry I shot at you."

Lena- "It's fine! I'm sure you had your reasons."

Jack- "You said that the Demons tried to trick you?"

(Y/n)- "Yeah, disguising themselves as you, Mom, Dr Hayden, Dad, and other members of Overwatch. I nearly died because of that. The only one that I trust is Valen."

Jack- "The sad loner in the cave?"

You made a face of anger and disappointment.

(Y/n)- "He's here because he banished himself. He was once a Night Sentinel, and a long time ago he lost his son. He made a deal with the Dark Lord, which turned out to be a trick and Valen's son was turned into the Icon of Sin."

Jack- "Oh, well, uh..."

(Y/n)- "Don't, just don't. He also upgraded my armor."

Felixis- "Really? It looks great!"

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Felixis- "Really? It looks great!"

After a long time spent catching up, sharing stories of what has happened in the past year on Earth, and the long decade you spent in Hell, you showed Lena, Jack and Felixis to the portal machine in the command center. You set the portal to Earth and activated it. The pillars rose as a red circle of energy is created between them. Jack is first through the portal, followed by Felixis. Lena waits for you as you finish doing something.

Lena- "You coming?"

(Y/n)- "I just need to wait for VEGA to detach himself from the tower."

VEGA- "Processing, transfer complete."

You pull a piece out of the computer and walk to the portal.

Lena- "You ready?"

(Y/n)- "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go home."

Daughter of the Slayer - DooMGuy  X Fem!Daughter!Reader X OverwatchWhere stories live. Discover now