The Ancient Gods

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You were surprised to see your adopted mother home so soon. You expected her to be gone on a mission for a long time.

(Y/n)- "Mom! What are you doing here?!"

Lena wasn't paying any mind to your question. She was only staring right at Hana, who was hiding by snuggling you.

(Y/n)- "Mom, we were just watching a movie."

Lena- "(Y/n), why are you snuggling with her?"

Hana groaned. She didn't want Lena to know. You sighed, knowing that your mother was as stubborn as she is bubbly and happy, and she wouldn't leave unless she knew the truth.

(Y/n)- "Mom, the truth is Hana and I are dating. I love her."

You pulled Hana closer and hugged her with one arm. With those words, Lena's attitude changed from stubborn determination to one of pure joy and excitement.

Lena- "Awwwe!"

She blinked over to you and hugged you both tightly, making Hana both very confused and very uncomfortable. You were still confused.

Hana- "왜!? (Why?!)"

Lena- "I'm so proud of you! I can't believe how much you've grown!"

(Y/n)- "Mom, I'm 27."

Lena- "Your still my baby!"

This was getting a bit embarrassing for you, for Hana, more so. After a while you got up and decided to check out your armor, see what you can do with it. Since you started dating Hana, you added her bunny emblem onto the chest piece, and like Hana, now have a 3D printed D.Va emblem charm dangling from the handle of your super shotgun, which you acquired a while ago, and Valen helped you modify to be an exact replica of your father's double barreled weapon.

You entered your room and put on your right gauntlet, summoning your super shotgun to your hand. You snapped it open and inspected the weapon. It wasn't broken, or in bad condition, you just wanted to make sure it's in working order.

You take out the shells and inspect them before putting them back in and snapping it shut with a flick of the wrist. You returned the double barreled gun, summoned your plasma rifle and tinkered with it. Unlike some of your other weapons, keeping the more advanced ones like the Ballista that Valen gave you, and your plasma rifle in working order was more of a challenge, as they were much more complicated, and had many small parts. You sat on the bed and tinkered with it before you heard Jack's voice over the comms in your helmet, which rested on the dresser.

Jack- "(Y/n), gear up and report to the command center."

You sighed. You got up and put on your armor. Putting your helmet on last, you walked out of your shared room and into the command center.

Jack- "The ARC called, they need your help."

(Y/n)- "What's wrong this time?"

You spoke in a bored tone. You honestly didn't want to be near the ARC, all you wanted to do is be with your girlfriend.

Jack- "Apparently, your father took something called a 'Life Orb' and is planning to resurrect some 'Dark Lord'. Whatever that is, it sounds bad, so they need you."

(Y/n)- "........WHAT!!!!??"

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