Return to Overwatch

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Once back in the command center you heard the loud and annoying shouting of Samuel Hayden.

Samuel Hayden- "What are you doing!! You can't just bring a Marauder on board this ship!"

Dad told me that You said to him "YoU cAn'T jUsT sHoOt A hOlE iN tHe SuRfAcE oF mArS" but he shot a hole in Mars anyways.

Samuel Hayden- "What would your father say!?"

Felixis shuffled around uncomfortably. You pull out your note pad and write on it.

She needed my help! If I didn't she would have been killed for failing to kill me

Samuel Hayden- "She's a Marauder!!"

She needed my help!

Hayden sighed, clearly upset.

Samuel Hayden- "I cannot get rid of her, so she may as well help us. Take her with you to Watchpoint Gibraltar and deal with the rising Demonic threat there."

The portal resets to Watchpoint Gibraltar. You walk over and activate the portal with a press of the button and the controls sink into the ground as the Portal generators rise.

Samuel Hayden- "You have no idea what you have brought upon us."

Felixis- "I have no intent to harm any of you!"

Samuel Hayden- "The Marauder lies. Never trust a Demon."

Felixis- "Not all Demons are bent on conquering worlds and transforming souls into Argent!"

You were getting fed up with the Felixis and Dr Hayden's bickering. You walked over to Dr Hayden, pulled out a marker and started writing on his broken chassis:

Dr Samuel Dick-Bags

and other things like:

Mass murdering careless cyborg idiot scientist

You giggled a little.

Samuel Hayden- "That was uncalled for."

Felixis giggled at your nicknames for Samuel Hayden. You walked towards the portal and Felixis followed you. You stopped her just before you went through to show her a message.

You sure your OK with killing other Demons?

Felixis- "Yes. I'm sure."

You let her through the portal and follow right behind her. Once through you saw the chaos that took place outside the base. ARC Marines and Overwatch agents, loosing the fight. You looked over to the Demons and saw a male Marauder with black and golden armor leading the attack. 

Felixis- "No, no no no. I can't do this."

You turn to face her and pull out your note book. You flip through and find a page that says Why? on it.

Felixis- "That's the Imperial Marauder! He's the most powerful Marauder and our leader. He'll kill me on sight if he see's me here!"

You flip to a blank page and write Don't worry. You deal with everything Heavy and lower. I'll take the Imperial Marauder

Felixis- "Are you sure?"

You nod and smile under your helmet.

Felixis- "OK."

You split up and charge into the horde of Demons. You slip behind the Imperial Marauder and steal his super shotgun.

Imperial Marauder- "Ah, the Young Slayer, daughter of the Great Slayer who ravaged our lands for millennia. I spent my life hunting him, trying to kill him. Now I will kill you, and claim your armor as a trophy!"

Daughter of the Slayer - DooMGuy  X Fem!Daughter!Reader X OverwatchWhere stories live. Discover now