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Bolded Italic is Text from the book

Italic Text

It has been a week since that thing, The Marauder, attacked. You kept the book it dropped. In it was a lot of information, history. It was like a bible, telling stories of creation, like Genesis, but darker, and more demonic. It seemed to be focused on one figure, a man who went by many names and killed Demons, but you could never figure out what it was really about. 

It was all tales of warfare and demon killing, until you found one page that told you about the Marauder that had attacked you and your friends.

During the Argenta Civil War, the ranks of the Night Sentinels were divided in two. Those who became sinners, and followed their Grand Sentinel King Novik and their Great Slayer, and the few who chose to follow the Supreme Khan Maykr, and the Sentinel Priests. 

Those, who chose the side of their Archangel, were transformed by the Priests, and became, The Marauders, the hunters, of the Great Slayer.

You became bored with the silence, so you put on your favorite Death Metal album by Mick Gordon. 

You kept reading, trying to find something about these two names that kept reappearing, The Great Slayer, and The DooM Slayer. The book made him seem like some kind of monstrous religious evil being of pure hatred with a thing for being unstoppable. And Death. You tried to understand this DooM Slayer from a human perspective, but all that came to mind was that he was a "Creepy but nice guy with a thing for killing demons. And Death". You looked through page after page, but only references to "The Great Slayer's treacherous acts".

...But yet, the Slayer brought down the Titan. Victorious, this only fueled his ravenous hatred.  

Nothing interesting about the Great Slayer. It's all just the history of Hell. It stops at a point where a handful of pages have been torn out. But the page stating the Chapter is still there

The Penance Of The DooM Slayer

So something happened to the DooM Slayer, but what? After the torn out section is just an index of categorized Demons. A few that stuck out were the Possessed and Unwilling, which are essentially Zombies, The Mancubus, Cacodemons, Barons of Hell, The Tyrant Cyber Demons, and The Titans.

Just then, a horrifying shriek called across the base. You ran out to see a large Demon standing in the hallway. It has beige skin, fiery red eyes, no horns, and long fingers. It raises both arms and the floor sets on fire. 

You pull out the Double Barreled Shotgun you kept from the Marauder, Jack let you keep it if something like this were to happen again

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You pull out the Double Barreled Shotgun you kept from the Marauder, Jack let you keep it if something like this were to happen again. You aimed at the Demon's head and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. Then you realized, it's not even loaded. You try and figure out how to reload the stupid thing. Then you saw a button on the top, you pressed down and the barrels opened for you to reload.

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