It's A Classic (Halloween Special)

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Happy Halloween everyone!! I thought it would be a good idea to make a nice Halloween special for this story because why not! Hope you enjoy!

Today is Halloween, and it's the first one of Overwatch's Halloween parties that you'll be going to. You and Hana were going as a couple. Since Lena found out you two were dating, everyone thought that you and Hana were super cute together.

You watched as Hana left the changing room and walked into your shared room. She was wearing a replica costume of your armor.

(Y/n)- "Nice costume."

Hana- "Thanks! It wasn't easy to get one."

(Y/n)- "I bet."

She smiled. You liked how cute she looked in the costume. You were still wearing your shirt and pants, and hadn't gotten into your costume.

Hana- "Are you just gonna wear your armor?"

(Y/n)- "Nah, I have something special planned."

You walk into the changing room and walk out a few minutes later, wearing your costume.

You walk into the changing room and walk out a few minutes later, wearing your costume

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(Y/n)- "So how do I look?"

Hana- "Amazing! I just... Uh... I don't know what exactly your wearing."

(Y/n)- "It's my Dad's old Mega Armor. He used to wear it before he got his Praetor suit."

Hana- "It looks amazing on you."

(Y/n)- "Thanks."

You and Hana walked out to the main area where the part was being held. You saw Lena dressed in pretty basic werewolf costume, a headband with wolf ears and a fake tail, Angela dressed as a witch, Jack was wearing a costume that looked like a mix between his normal uniform and a punk Jason Voorhees, Reinhardt was dressed as a medieval knight no doubt.

Lena zipped over to yo and Hana.

Lena- "Hey luvs! You two are just the cutest together!"

(Y/n)- "Thanks, mom."

Jack walked over looked at your costume.

Jack- "Is that a replicate of the old UAC Armor?"

(Y/n)- "It is old UAC armor. Took a while to get it, my Dad used to wear a suit just like it."

Jack- "It's kind of outdated."

(y/n)- "It's a classic!"

You got into an argument with Jack about how the armor was long past the day it was made obsolete. Hana sat by Felixis, only because there was nobody else left to sit by. She had never really talked to Felixis, she didn't like her either. In Hana's eyes, all Demons were bad, they were all the same.

Felixis- "So, your dating (Y/n)?"

Hana- "Yeah. We're dating."

Felixis- "That's nice."

Hana- "Yeah, because a demon can find something nice..."

Felixis- "I understand you don't like me..."

Hana- "I watched one of you kill my parents!"

Felixis- "I know! And I'm sorry!"

Hana- "You took away the only people who cared about me!! From what I learned, all Demons are bad!!"

Felixis- "I never asked to be a Marauder!"

Hana's eyes widened.

Hana- "You didn't want to be a Demon?"

Felixis- "Being a Marauder isn't a choice. I was born into the Marauder clan of Nekravol. I didn't want to invade a world, but the Dark Lord made us do it, he rules all of Hell through fear."

Hana said nothing. She took a moment to process what Felixis had said. She always thought the Demons were a mindless horde of monsters, bent on consuming worlds.

Hana- "So, your forced to destroy worlds?"

Felixis- "Most do it because they're all sick and sadistic beasts."

Hana- "I never thought that someone like that could be a Demon."

Felixis- "A lot of the City of the Damned was built on the backs of my enslaved Argenta ancestors."

Hana- "So, your not a Demon?"

Felixis- "I'm a demonized Argenta Sentinel, a descendant of a Night Sentinel lineage."

After a while you walked over and sat by them. You saw them getting along, like they never did. You liked seeing them this way.

(Y/n)- "So, you two getting along?"

Hana- "I guess so. I think now, I understand, but I still think I'm missing something."

(Y/n)- "Well at least your not at each other's throats." 

You, Hana, and Felixis talked for a while, and soon you and Felixis drifted off into talk about your weapons and armor. Hana began feeling a bit upset, mentioning her parents offset her, and she felt like she was going to have a breakdown. Hana's breathing intensified, her heart pounding at breakneck speed against her chest, her body felt tense as she shuddered in her seat, she wanted to cry, but she didn't want to be weak in front of everyone. You noticed Hana sitting in a puddle of her own emotional instability, her eyes watery and ready to have an emotional breakdown, so you pulled her closer and hugged her tightly. 

Hana slowly calmed down, allowing you to heal her emotions with the hug.

Felixis- "Well, you two seem to be working on something. If you'll excuse me."

Felixis stood up and walked away. Hana's breathing slowed and her body relaxed.

Hana- "Thank you."

(Y/n)- "You are very welcome."

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