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This is your first mission since the Super Gore Nest. You took the time to train and practice, so you don't get hurt again. You also had Winston repair the cut in the neck of your armor. You had one gun on hand, a pump action shotgun with no special attachment. That's all you had, your Praetor armor, a warp tech pack full of shotgun shells, your pump shotgun, your note book, and pen to write with. Nothing more, nothing less. 

Hayden continues to lead the ARC from the sidelines, he still remained conscious even after being brutally mutilated, and he gave you orders to carefully obtain an Argent Processing Unit from a military base in Busan, a city in South Korea.

You were dropped off outside the base. It was easy for the drop ship to get you there because Korea was less heavily hit by the Demons. Although his body was torn apart, Hayden was still alive and bossing you around from the base. You wandered for a bit before finding a few Demons. You quickly dealt with them, blasting them into pieces before continuing onward to the base.

Samuel Hayden- "This complex was the first base to utilize Argent as a purified energy source. I am surprised that there aren't as many Demons as anticipated."

You enter and look around for a minute, before Hayden contacted you again to boss you around some more. 

Samuel Hayden- "The Argent Processor is located on the lowest level, in the reactor room. You'll have to carefully dismantle the core to obtain it."

You ignored all the parts about being careful. All you heard was where to get it and what you were getting.

Loud footsteps stomped behind you. You turned around and saw a Hell Knight. You held your hand open and your shotgun appeared in a flash of blue light. You fired off multiple shots at the Demon, with enough effect to rip open it's flesh, but not enough to kill him. You were ready to receive a slash to the face, you closed your eyes and took the hit. It hurt, but it didn't kill you, or damage your armor. You raised your gun, ready to shoot again. The Demon took multiple micro missiles to the torso, ripping through it's skin and nearly killing it.

You charged at the hulking pale brute, grabbed it's lower jaw, and ripped it off of it's head. You look to see where the mini explosive projectiles came from. You saw a pink mech with a young woman inside, piloting it. She wore a blue, white, and pink jumpsuit with a few claw marks revealing cuts and a bunny like emblem resting above her breasts, head phones, and had pink triangles on her cheeks and long brown hair. She was staring at you in awe of your brute strength.

????- "세상에! 당신의 강한!! (Oh my god! Your Strong!!)"

Of all the languages I chose to study in school, why didn't I choose Korean?

You pulled out your note book.


????- "Oh, sorry. I said your very strong! I'm Hana Song, You might know me as D.Va."

(Y/n) Taggart

I know who you are, I watch your Twitch Streams

Hana- "Oh, your a fan?"

Sorta. I haven't really gotten to watch some of your newer videos

Hana- "Oh. Well, thanks for helping me frag that guy."

Your Welcome

You flip the page and write some more.

I was sent here by this guy

You doodle a little image of Samuel Hayden.

I need to get a part for something. An Argent Processor 

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