Taras Nabad

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You finished killing Demons in the Ripatorium not even ten minutes ago, and you were in there for three hours. You emerged covered in Demon blood and bits of hacked off flesh. Your enjoyment had no end. You walk through to the Command Center. Then everything went black, the power had been shut off. You run into the command room to see Doomguy trying to do something.

Samuel Hayden- "The Khan Maykr has overloaded your systems! VEGA has no control over..."

Why did Hayden's voice cut out?

Mysterious Angelic Voice- "If you had let the culling continue, the human race you fight to protect would have survived. Now I will resurrect the Icon of Sin. He will devour Earth and leave your home world in ruins. Life on your planet shall never return, and this will be yet another world you brought to extinction."

Demonic screeching could be heard all over and a bunch of Fodder demons poured in.

Mysterious Angelic Voice- "This stronghold will now serve as your prison. With no power you can do no more harm to our mission, and we can continue the work that must be done."

Imps, Gargoyles, and Zombies filled the room and blocked the exit. Doomguy pulled out a really big fucking gun and fired it. A green orb flew into the crowd and caused all of the demons to explode into bloody pieces. He put it away and marched through the open door to an empty pedestal. Doomguy then pulled out a strange handle made out of bone and flesh and put above the pedestal. It surged in red energy and the ship was powered by it.

Samuel Hayden- "She didn't know you had the Demonic Crucible."

Hayden laughs. To you, you find it very unsettling.

Samuel Hayden- "In the end, the very power source you sought to eradicate from Earth, is now what will help you save it."

VEGA- "The mission on Sentinel Prime was a success, the Demonic consumption of Earth has been stopped."

Doomguy marched over to the Navigation controls and started to search a destination.

Samuel Hayden- "Only a Slayer's Crucible blade can stop a Titan. You must get to the Sentinel city of Taras Nabad to retrieve your Crucible before it's to late. Without it, the Titan can not be stopped."

VEGA- "Setting the portal to Taras Nabad."

Doomguy punched in the destination and walks over to the Portal activation button. He presses it down and the Portal opens. You follow him to the portal, just before he stops you.

Doomguy- "No, (Y/n). I can't let you come. If anything happened to you, I could never forgive myself."

You take out your note pad and scribble down what you wanted to say.

I'm a big girl Dad! I can handle myself

Doomguy- "Fine. But if you get hurt, your staying behind. OK?"

You gave him a thumbs up and ran through the Portal.

Time skip brought to you by Chibbi (Y/n) fighting Chibbi Demons with her Crucible Sword 

You arrived at Taras Nabad, inside of a dark cave. 

Samuel Hayden- "Your Crucible is still embedded in the Titan that attacked this Sentinel City. Your first battle against the Demons in this world, where the legend of the Slayer began."

You made your way out of the cave and into the City. Through buildings and into a plaza.

Samuel Hayden- "All that strength, all that rage! And you couldn't save this city from it's self. But this time Earth will be different."

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