The Aftermath of Eternal

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One year after Doom Eternal

It has been a year since you and the Doom Slayer had killed the Icon of Sin and saved humanity, along with Earth. Humans that had fled into Space had already started returning to the surface and began helping to rebuild.

Overwatch had been declared an active organization and completely legal again, since they helped protect the world from the Demons and had a part in saving it. Since the invasion ended they had been doing lots of humanitarian work, helping affected citizens, rebuilding cities, and protecting the people from straggler Demons that were roaming around Earth.

Doomguy had nothing else to do. He kept to himself, protecting Earth from Demon hordes that were left behind. The rest of his time was spent in the Fortress of Doom, repairing his armor, practicing in the Ripatorium to keep busy, shredding on his guitars, playing old video games and mourning the loss of his daughter.

Dr Samuel Hayden had fully repaired his body, and took control over the ARC once again. He shut down most interdimensional expeditions and all Hell portal projects being run by the UAC. There was still the UAC cultists, the Mortally Challenged, on Mars. Samuel had no idea what they were doing in the left over UAC outposts and labs there. Presumable making more Revenants and trying to open another portal to Hell.

Felixis stayed with Overwatch, earning their trust and respect. She told stories of Demons crusades and how to take advantage of their weaknesses. Missions were easy tasks for her, often Felixis took missions involving leaving no survivors and hunting straggler Demons.

Lena's days were spent trying to keep busy, taking up missions and assignments wherever she could. The past months carried much cultist activity, some of which carried many secrets learned from the Demons, including the secrets to Argent energy, which still remained a secret to Overwatch and the ARC.

Lena was outside, leaning against the railing of the outer catwalk of the base, staring out at the city across the bay. Although much of it had been repaired, there was still so much damage left behind by the Icon of Sin. Felixis walked out and placed her hands on the railing. Much about her had changed, while she still had four horns and pale white skin, she began to look more human. Felixis took to wearing normal clothes rather than Marauder armor all the time, her eyes had shifted from a fiery blood red to human brown eyes, and she had grown short black hair. 

Felixis- "It's all so beautiful. I know I've seen it so many times, but it's true."

Lena- "It was much better before the invasion, before literal Hell broke out."

Felixis- "I can only guess until Earth is restored. Everything in Nekravol was the same. Same blood red sky, same people, nothing ever changed. I'm glad I met (Y/n) that day, even if I did try to kill her."

Lena- "Well, (Y/n) was kind to people, although very short tempered."

There was a long period of silence.

Felixis- "I'm sorry for what my kind did to this world."

Lena- "You have more than made up for what they did."

Meanwhile in the rec room

Jack, Genji, Hanzo, and Mccree, all sat at the bar of the rec room. Not one of them spoke, until Jack made a statement.

Jack- "I saw a family of rabbits in upper Canada the other day, on a mission."

Mccree- "Really?"

Jack- "Yeah."

Hanzo- "Slowly, life returns to our world."

Genji- "The world has changed much in the past eleven years."

Jack- "People have died..."

Athena's voice called out over the PA.

Athena- "Commander Morrison, Dr Samuel Hayden is here to see you." 

Jack- "I'll be right there."

Jack got up and walked to his office. Dr Hayden was already there, inspecting a desk ordainment off of Jack's desk.

Jack- "Dr Hayden."

Samuel Hayden- "Commander Morrison."

Jack- "What is it? I know that you never come unless you want something from us."

Jack marched over to his desk and sat down.

Samuel Hayden- "While your statement may be true, I require nothing more from you at this time."

Jack- "Then what do you want?"

Samuel Hayden- "I have something that may be of interest to you."

Hayden sets a Praetor armor gauntlet down on the desk.

Samuel Hayden- "Do you know what this is?"

Jack- "Praetor armor. Are you making another suit?"

Samuel Hayden- "No, I have no justification for the expenses of creating another suit of Praetor armor. This was pulled from Hell by one of my retrieval teams, sent to find Hell artifacts that we could study and learn from. We found this in the Kadingir Sanctum."

Jack- "Could this mean (Y/n) is alive?!"

Samuel Hayden- "Unlikely. Although she was the daughter of the man who ruined decades of scientific work, she lacked many things he had, the rage, the, desire to kill all Demons. She is more than likely, dead."

Jack sank in his chair.

Jack- "Don't tell Lena this. She's already upset enough about (Y/n). You tell her that she survived for a short period of time in Hell before she died, Lena will be crippled by it."

Samuel Hayden- "Understood."

Samuel turns and walks to the door.

Samuel Hayden- "I thought you may want to keep this, as a form of, sentiment."

He places the gauntlet on top of a filing cabinet and walks out the door, leaving Jack in his chair, with his thoughts about you, and questions, how long did you survive? How did you die? Did you miss them?

All of these questions, but no answers. Maybe the gauntlet would provide the answers. He gets up and walks over to the filing cabinet. He picks up your gauntlet and inspects your armor. The hand was stained with Demon blood, the forearm was shredded with claw marks, and a small panel was missing. Jack looked at the spot, there was a small component, on it was a computerized timestamp:


Jack- "This timestamp, that's ten years into the future..."

This was shocking to Jack. How could the date on the armor be ten years into the future? Were you still alive, were you stuck in Hell?

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