The Fortress Of DOOM/Your Crucible

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The first thing you saw once you passed through the portal was a large control room. It looked like it was all made of the same tech that they had on Sentinel Prime, but with albums of Death Metal bands displayed on the walls. Doomguy marched forward slowly. Everything seemed to have a red glow to it.

You looked around, facinated that this is where your new home is. The only thing you didn't like was the body of Samuel Hayden levitating above a pedestal.

Samuel Hayden- "Oh, it's you."

You flipped the bird at Dr Hayden. Doomguy put his hand on your shoulder.

Doomguy- "I needed him to find Deag Grav. For all I care now he can download himself back into that body and I can chuck him into space."

A.I.- "We still may have uses for the service of Dr Hayden."

Doomguy- "Bugger off VEGA."

Samuel Hayden- "He's right. You may still need me."

Doomguy- "Don't even start!"

You smirked under your helmet. You had already started planing to mess with Samuel Hayden. Doomguy showed you around the place, which he had apropriatley named The Fortress Of DOOM. Your most favorite places in the Fortress are The Ripatorium and The Slayer Cave. Doomguy showed you to the armory, where he let you have one of every gun he had a spare of, Now you have a full arsenal. 

Doomguy was a nice dad. He let you explore the Fortress on your own and do what you wanted. There were only a few rules, 

1. Don't go into the Ripatorium without asking

2. Ask to use one of the Guitars

3. No shooting inside the Fortress

4. Don't bother Dad while he's working


You were fine with all these rules. You made yourself comfortable, listening to death metal while familiarizing yourself with the Fortress, setting up your room and decorating it with the Mark of The Slayer spray painted on the wall, and setting up your bed and desk, arranging it to the way you like it.

After that you walked around and found a room that Doomguy didn't show you. You walk up to it and the automatic door hissed and opened. Inside was a shrine with something on a pedestal and a large painting behind it. You walk slowly towards the pedestal, still wearing your Praetor Suit. The pedestal had a strange handle like item resting on top of a red cloth. 

You grabbed it and stared at it in your hands

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You grabbed it and stared at it in your hands.

What is this thing?

You shook it once and the top opened, making it look more like the handle of a sword, bit without a blade. You saw a pool of red liquid behind the pedestal, on the side was a carving of the handle. You stuck the tip of the handle into the liquid. It sparked and small bolts of lightning shot out. You pulled it out, but it was much heavier, and it pulled out a sheet of red with it.

Watch from 1:00 to 1:22

It's a sword!

The blade shimmered and sparked, spreading a demonic red glow through the room. You held the sword high as it illuminated the large tapestry. On it was Doomguy in his full Praetor suit, but without his helmet. The armor he wore was different, it looked more like yours than the new armor he wears. Beside him was a woman with long, (H/c) hair, (E/c) eyes, and wearing a dress like one that would have been worn by a Sentinel Priestess. In the woman's arms was a small child with the Mark of the Slayer branded on her temple.

Is that, me?

Doomguy- "Well, looks like you found this place."

You quickly shot around and saw your father standing at the door.

Doomguy- "Well it looks like you found your Crucible. Good, you'll need that."

You pulled out your note pad and wrote on it.

Who is she?

You showed him and pointed to the tapestry.

Doomguy- "Her? Well... She's your mother."

Your eyes widened.

I might actually meet my actual mom!

Doomguy took off his helmet, revealing a face covered in sorrow.

Wait, somethings wrong. Mom's not here, is she?

Is Mom here?

Doomguy- "... It's... complicated. She died not long after you were born."

And boom goes the dynamite.

Doomguy- "She was killed by the Demons, after that I vowed to keep you safe. That's why I sent you to Earth, to live and learn with your own people."

Was Mom one of the Sentinel people?

Doomguy- "No, she came from Earth. Same as me. She was perfect, in every way."

You thought for a moment. My real mother is a dead mortal woman, Dad is a bad ass space marine/immortal being with an extreme hatred of demons, and I'm something between immortal and human? Sure, totally doesn't give me a headache.

Doomguy- "I wish I could get her back, but I can't. Her soul belongs to the Dark Lord of Hell."

Then I will find the Dark Lord and rip his guts out slowly as he screams in agony!

He reads what you wrote. He smiled.

Doomguy- "The feeling is mutual. But finding this asshole is harder that you think. And most Demons don't speak. But, it's good you found your Crucible, you'll need it to kill bigger demons. Why don't you test it in the Ripatorium?" 

You smile and ran down to the Ripatorium, Crucible Sword still in hand. You entered and saw countless Demons. 

Rip and Tear...

They charged at you as you reactivated the sword and jumped in.

...Until it's done!!

OK, while I was writing this I had an idea for the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed this one, cause the next will be out soon!

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