The Super Gore Nest

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You hated Samuel Hayden. You hated him with a passion. You wanted to tear his arm from his metallic torso and use it so pry his head off as if it were a crowbar, then find wherever his human brain is inside that metal husk of a body, and step on it.

But thoughts of brutally mutilating the robot can come later. Now you have a job, helping the ARC Marines set up their barracks. Dr Hayden gave you this job. The Marines and Overwatch agents were getting their assigned posts and missions. You knew you could do more than just move crates and read some old book. You had a feverish desire to fight The Mortally Challenged, kill Demons, and destroy everything Demonic in your path. 

You put up the last bunk before two of the ARC Marines walked in carrying Plasma Rifles.

Marine #1- "Jeez, we can't get anywhere near that thing."

Marine #2- "I know, that place is a God Forsaken hell pit, literally."

(Y/n)- "What are you guys talking about."

Marine #2- "Central Europe. Where the invasion started."

Marine #1- "Rumor has it there's a massive Gore Nest that summons hundreds of Demons."

(Y/n)- "Gore Nests... Those are the flesh piles that open portals to Hell right?"

Marine #1- "That's the long and short of it."

Marine #2- "Dr Hayden has a plan to lead an attack on the thing."

Marine #1- "Well, I can guess how that's gonna turn out."

The two laughed and walked away. This gave you an idea.

Meanwhile with Samuel Hayden

Dr Hayden was showing Jack the new model of the Heavy Plasma Rifle.

Jack- "All I see is just a bulkier version of my rifle."

Samuel Hayden- "It works, and it comes with specialized attachments. A plasma burst and a plasmatic radiation beam."

Jack- "I'm still good with my gun."

You charge in, interrupting Hayden, but you didn't really care.

(Y/n)- "I volunteer!"

Jack- "(Y/n), get out."

Samuel Hayden- "You volunteer for what?"

(Y/n)- "The attack on the Super Gore Nest!"

Samuel Hayden- "I see."

Lena overheard your request and marched over to you.

Lena- "No! Your not going there!"

(Y/n)- "Mom! I'm ready! I've read the book over a dozen times, I kept the shotgun from the Marauder, I've fought Demons before. I'm ready!"

Lena- "No, your not! 

Samuel Hayden- "If I may, as a scientist, I believe that limits can not be determined if boundaries are not pushed. If she wants to learn how far she can go, then by all means, young Miss Taggart should be allowed to go."

Lena grumbled for a minute before giving up.

Lena- "Fine! (Y/n) can go! But if she gets hurt, I will take you apart!"

Samuel Hayden- "I will personally see to it that she remains safe."

You walk over to the desk and grab the massive Plasma gun.

(Y/n)- "One thing, I'm gonna need a suit of armor."

Samuel Hayden- "Right this way."

You follow Dr Hayden to a large Grey case like machine. He types something on a screen and the machine opens.

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