The Queen of Gaming and The Young Slayer

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You and Hana spent lots of time together, and had been girlfriends for a few months. You had learned much about her; across the internet Hana is known as the Queen of Gaming, she was kind, and polite, and she cared about people. She also had been through a lot of traumatic experiences, fighting Gwishin omnics and literal Demons, seeing her family and friends die in front of her; you knew she had major depression.

She made a request to Jack that you and her share a room, so she moved into your room, and you loved that she made the decision to do so. Of course, like the teenagers you were mentally, you hid your relationship from Lena.

Your alarm went off, alerting you that it is morning and time for you to wake up. You didn't have any assignments today, or any plants other than spending time with Hana. You slid on your gauntlet, which you conveniently had placed at the foot of your bed, and summoned your heavy assault rifle. You shot the alarm clock and returned your weapon to your arsenal and took of the gauntlet, dropping it to the floor.

Hana groaned, she was sleeping on top of you, comfortably snuggled into your muscles.

Hana- "...I don't wanna wake up..."

You wrapped an arm around her. She loved it very much. In a few hours, Hana was up and left for the city to pick up some stuff. You were in your bedroom alone. You saw her diary on the desk. You got up and looked through it, finding a page with little doodles across it and writing to wrap around it.

All I want to do is be with (Y/n). She's beautiful, strong, kinda protective, and she's extremely strong! Ever since I met her all I wanted was to be held in her strong, muscled arms as she kisses me relentlessly.

At that point you decided you have read enough, and slammed the book shut. You put it back and walked to the kitchen. You opened the fridge and saw a few things; a bottle of cold brew coffee labeled "DON'T TOUCH!!", a plate with a sandwich on it, a couple bottles of beer, a butter dish, some assorted condiments, a carton of milk, a plate of cookies with plastic wrap over top, cheese, and a few other things.

(Y/n)- "Hm, that new guy does love his coffee."

You took the cold brew and dumped it down the sink just to mess with the guy who labeled it as his. You yourself had no taste for coffee. You returned to the fridge and grabbed the plate of cookies and the milk carton. You poured a glass of milk and removed the plastic wrap from the plate of cookies. Hana walks into the kitchen, soaked.

Hana- "It's so rainy outside!"

You help her take off the drenched hoodie she was wearing and gave her a new one to warm herself. You give her a gentle kiss.

Hana- "Thanks, (Y/n)."

You held out the plate of cookies and Hana took one. She took a bite and smiled. The way she smiled was familiar to you, someone had said something to her that wasn't positive, and didn't make her feel any better about herself. You walked over to her and hugged her.

(Y/n)- "Whoever hurt you, don't pay any mind to them."

Hana- "H-how did you know?"

(Y/n)- "You only smile like that when something is wrong or someone hurt you. You try to hide it."

You hug Hana tighter. Hana felt her heart warm upon contact with you, the way you made her feel was something she loved very much. You loved everything about Hana, everything from her shorter stature to her beautiful eyes and sparkling personality. 

Hana- "Thank you. I needed that."

You let go of her gently. Nothing needed to be said. Just like that, Hana's smile changed from the false one she had to one of genuine happiness. You wanted to stop Hana's emotional instability, to help her feel better, to make her happy. For a few hours you played video games, talked, laughed, and did all sorts of things you enjoyed together.

You decided that since nobody else was around that you and Hana would watch a movie. And that you did, you snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie together. You debated for a while before deciding to watch Resident Evil, which you didn't quite understand but enjoyed watching the carnage. After the movie ended you two had fallen together on the couch.

You slept soundly with Hana gently held between your arms. Dreams like the ones you had before, dreams of the Demonic apocalypse, had been replaced with dreams of Hana, the only thing in the universe at the forefront of your mind. All you could think of was her, being with her, spending time with her, only being with her could calm the savage Demon killer daughter of a godly being that you are.

Your comfortable sleep was interrupted by the sound of Lena's voice.

Lena- "What are you doing with my daughter!?"

Daughter of the Slayer - DooMGuy  X Fem!Daughter!Reader X Overwatchजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें