...On Earth

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Bold Italic text is something on paper in the story or something being read

Italic Text is thoughts

The Demonic Invasion of Earth is underway.

Ever since Winston got a call from that Samuel Hayden guy, you've been on edge about the Demons. You've gotten nightmares about the Demonic Apocalypse, and at the end of them, you hear voices saying things that don't make any sense.

For days you researched the Dr Samuel Hayden, the UAC, and The Argent Tower. The UAC website was a good place to go once you found it. You took out your laptop, and searched up the UAC website, finding a link:


Of course its labeled as a government website. You clicked a link that lead to a long paragraph on the history of the UAC.

Founded in 2051, the UAC made it's initial profit by cleansing Earth of hazardous waste, manufacturing and selling weapons to military forces world wide, and searching for inhabitable planets for Humanity to colonize.

You skipped the part about the foundation of the company.

It was in 2095, during a geographical survey of Mars in search of Water, that we found the next greatest thing for Human kind, a new source of energy! We sent exploration teams, lead by Dr Samuel Hayden, to find and study this new energy source. We dubbed it, Argent Plasma. 

Over the next 32 years, we constructed the Argent Tower to transmit Argent Energy to Earth, while constructing laboratories and bases across Mars to study, experiment, and learn about Argent Energy. At last, in 2127, we completed the Argent Energy Tower and sent the first Argent Package to Earth.

You searched up Samuel Hayden, finding several articles on him. You clicked one and it lead to his entire history. You scroll through all the Mars base and Argent Tower. You then find a link leading to another site. You click it. It took you to another site:


You look through and find a file on Samuel Hayden. You scroll through, finding something about Dr Hayden, Argent, and the Crucible.

Following the loss of communication between Earth and Mars-based facilities, the collapse of the Argent-dependent energy grid consumed the planet in crisis. It was during this time that UAC director Dr. Samuel Hayden suddenly resurfaced on Earth before the AN Council, wielding that which might offer salvation to mankind - the Crucible.

After recounting the events that had transpired on the red planet, Hayden agreed to cooperate with the AN, providing access to the various UAC facilities on Earth and by extension the full range of technologies at his disposal. Paramount among these was the Crucible, the last remaining source of Argent energy in existence.

You looked through and found a picture of Hayden and a bunch of soldiers and mechs with some kind of red laser sword.

You looked through and found a picture of Hayden and a bunch of soldiers and mechs with some kind of red laser sword

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(Y/n)- "Well, if that's not obnoxious enough, I have no clue what is."

You giggled at your joke. You kept looking and found something on the UAC site, a backdoor into the UAC servers. A lot of it was heavily encrypted all you could find was a video file of Samuel Hayden and someone else.

You compare the image of the figure Dr Hayden was talking to against images from the book. The person Dr Hayden sent away to some unknown location was The DooM Slayer. You look back at the ARC site and hit reload, maybe there was something new. You were right, an alert asking for recruits and telling people to hide. You hear Jack speak over the intercom.

Jack- "All Personal, please report to the briefing room, immediately!"

You run to the briefing room. Jack is talking about something, but you were concentrating on getting to the front. Once at the front, Jack was just about done speaking.

Jack- "... this broadcast was sent out on an open frequency."

He hit a button on a remote and an audio message played.

ARC Broadcaster- "This is an ARC Broadcast. To all surviving citizens, military personal, and ARC soldiers, please be advised that a Demonic Hellgrowth has sprouted in central Europe, and Demonic entities have begun to spread across the globe. We advise citizens not to panic, and make their way to the nearest underground bunker, to wait out the Demonic threat. Please remain calm, ARC Personal are highly trained and prepared to fight the threat, humanity will survive." 

The broadcast ends and the agents begin murmuring.

Jack- "I know this might be alarming, but in the past couple weeks, we've dealt with these things before, and we have a seemingly biblical index of all the Demons, with their strengths and weaknesses. We can take on this threat, we have the tech, the weapons and the knowledge required to..."

A metallic slow clap echoed through the large room. Dr Samuel Hayden walked slowly towards Jack.

Samuel Hayden- "Very impressive speech, Commander Morrison. I found it to be very, uplifting."

Jack reached to pull out his Pulse Rifle.

Samuel Hayden- "Please, there is no need for violence. I've known for months now that Overwatch is in fact, a working organisation. Did you really think I wouldn't have detected the Demonic presence in YOUR base?" 

Jack- "What do you want!?"

Samuel Hayden- "To extend an offer. I could, legally, allow you to continue your work, under ARC supervision of course." 

Jack- "There's gotta be something in it for you, isn't there."

Samuel Hayden- "Correct, Commander. In exchange for the legal reinstatement of Overwatch, you help me fight back the the Demonic threat on Earth. We will require your base as a staging point, yes..."

Hayden turns around and faces the crowd of agents and scientists.

Samuel Hayden: "...But the benefits out weight the downsides. You will have access to advanced technology, high grade weaponry, and a limitless supply of filtered Argent energy to power your equipment. I know that you think I am untrustworthy, and you may be right, but I assure you, my intentions are purely for the betterment of humanity, after all, I am Human."


Your outburst grabbed the attention of Hayden and everyone else. Hayden slowly walked towards you. Even though his face is just white metal plating with a blue light streak down the middle, you could tell he was angered buy this.

Samuel Hayden- "I sent him away, in order, to continue our work! He smashed, the Argent Filters with his boot, abolished The Argent Tower, destroyed, an Artificial Intelligent that could calculate answers to problems at the speed of light! The Slayer, destroyed, my life's work, only to ensure that this never happens. But it happened, didn't it?"

(Y/n)- "He's the only one who could stop this and you got rid of him!"

Samuel Hayden- "Well, young lady. You see the Slayer, didn't care about what we had accomplished, what we had spent decades perfecting, what I went through, purely to see Human kinds betterment. He only cared about stopping the Demons of Hell, from entering our world."

He turned back to the crowd.

Samuel Hayden- "Now, enough talk about the DooM Slayer. Are you with us, or against us?"

Jack- "We're with you. But only to stop the end of the world."

Dr Hayden chuckled, something was up with him that you didn't trust.

Samuel Hayden- "Good, now, let us begin."

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