The Icon of Sin

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You stood by and watched as your father began to fight the Icon of sin. You could do no more that sit on the sidelines and watch, unable to help, unable to fight, just sit and watch as your father did all the work. You killed whatever Demons were near by, but you wanted to help kill the Icon.

Doomguy pulled out his BFG 9000 and begins to fire away at the Icon, destroying it's flesh and revealing the bones of the towering Demon. You watch in awe as your father juggles between his Crucible, BFG 9000 and the Unmaykr as he pieces away at the thick hide of the Icon, taking damaging hits that leave his body burned and broken, but the Icon was no different. With it's flesh torn away and it's brain exposed, Doomguy drew his Crucible and ignited the sword. 

Doomguy- "It's time to end this!"

Doomguy boosts off of the hand of the Icon, launching himself high into the air, landing on the Icon's head and plunging the sword deep into the brain. But before Doomguy could snap the blade off and permanently kill the Icon of Sin, the beast raised it's arm, swatted Doomguy off, and pulled the sword out of it's head, casting it aside.

Doomguy- "No! T-That's not possible!"

He realized now that he failed. He fell on his back, upset and traumatized.

Doomguy- "I... I'm to late. I failed."

You run over to see your father, but you then see his Crucible laying on the ground. You take it and run over to Doomguy. You drop his Crucible on him and ignite yours. Come on, dad! Your the Doom Slayer, you don't give up.  

He grabs his Crucible and sits up.

Doomguy- "Your right, I need to try again. And if one blade won't work, then maybe two will!"

He puts away his Crucible and runs after the Icon. You put away your sword and follow your father. You were able to catch up with the Icon of Sin and gain a high ground advantage on it by climbing a skyscraper. It notices you and readies to stop you.

You and Doomguy pulled out your Crucibles and ignite them. You charge over the edge and straight to the head of the Icon of Sin, plunging both blades deep into the brain of the monstrosity. Doomguy snaps off the blade of his Crucible, creating blue light all over the Titan's body, and jumps off. You could not snap the blade off of your sword as the beast began to fall into the depths of the Earth.

Doomguy- "(Y/n)! Forget your sword, get the fuck off that thing!"

The Icon of Sin falls into the depths, with you atop it's head, you did snap off the Crucible sword and throw it up to your father. Doomguy sinks to his knees, emotions of pain and remorse flood his body. He takes off his helmet and a tear trickles down his face.

Doomguy- "This is the price I pay for everything I do. I walk the path of perpetual torment, as long as I have something to loose, I will loose it and it will torture me for the rest of my eternal life. I'm sorry, (Y/n)."

There was a long period of silence. He takes out a framed picture of him, your mother, and you when you were a baby. He throws it with a grunt into the pit, puts his helmet back on, and slowly walks away. 

Doomguy- "Hayden, I need a portal."


Lena had started a search party in the direction you went in when you chased after the Icon of Sin. You just leaping the railing into a horde of Demons and then chasing a massive Demonic entity the size of a skyscraper filled her with enough fear to threaten Jack to let her lead a search party out there to find you. She searched the searched through the entire city in a matter of minutes, only to find fleeing Demons and shrinking Hellgrowth.

Lena- "Come on, (Y/n), where are you!?"

A large red portal opens behind her and out walks the Doom Slayer.

Lena- "Where is (Y/n)!!?"

Her voice trembled with fear, sadness and anger, anger for the Slayer and the whole Demon invasion.

Doomguy- "(Y/n) gave her life helping me slay the Icon of Sin. There is nothing I can do." 

He hands Lena your Crucible.

Doomguy- "This sword was hers. I want you to have it."

Lena- "Isn't there anything you can do to bring her back!?"

Doomguy- "I can't. If I bargain with the Demons I would be no better than the man who crafted my armor. The Icon of Sin was once his son, and I don't want that for (Y/n), it is best to let her soul rest."

He turns back and walks to the portal. He pauses for a moment an looks back to Lena.

Doomguy- "I'm sorry, I truly am."

He walked through the portal, leaving Lena to her misery. Although you may have been the daughter of the great Doom Slayer, Lena had raised you, watched you grow up, kept you safe. To Lena, you were her daughter more than the Slayer's.

So, this is this, and this is not the end. There will be more to this story.

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