Food in the Room.

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Alexander just stood there. He hesitated slightly as he continued following, slightly concerned as he listened to John's pleads, watching as Laffayate just shook his head.

I'm scared. Alexander thought as he watched, making a 'óvò' face on the outside. Why did I transfer here again?-

He followed the two through two red doors, hesitant. Two more males greeted a Lafayette and John. One was tall (around the same height as Lafayette), bald, and sophisticated. The other was only one or two inches taller than Alexander, had a bit of dark, curly floof for hair a bandanna around it. Both males were black.

"Who are you?" The second male asked, pointing at Alexander. Lafayette smiled.

"That's Alexander Hamilton. He's our new friend. He wanted to see the theater, and asked us where it was cause he was lost." He replied, releasing John who sighed in relief.

"Why did you do that Lafayette? Look at his state." The first male said, pointing at John who was standing up.

"Because he's scared of Mr. Washington, Aaron." Lafayette rolled his eyes. He turned back to Alexander. "That's Aaron Burr."

"And I'm Hercules Mulligan!" The second male said, smiling as he stuck a hand out to Alexander, him hesitantly shaking it.

"Want me to show you around the theater? It's fairly large." John said, looking at Alexander who nodded and began to walk off. Once his back was turned, Lafayette and Hercules made Lenny faces at John, who blushed, waving them off, then catching up with Alexander.

"So what do you want to see first?" He asked, looking at Alexander.

"Whatever you want to show me first." He replied, smiling. John nodded, starting to walk off, Alexander following.

He showed Alexander the stage, at which the small boy examined. John showed him backstage, where all the curtain control and such was. He showed Alexander the balconies, pointing out Lafayette and the others below.

As they turned to leave, John looked at him. "Do you like it?" He asked, looking at Alexander, who nodded.

"I love it." He replied, a starry look in his eyes as he looked down at the theater below.

"Wanna go to a secret place?" John asked, smiling as leaned against the balcony.

Alexander blushed, taking John's tone the wrong way, but he still responded with a small, "Y-yeah sure.", to which John chuckled.

He took Alexander by the hand, leading him to a small door. Alexander's face was still red, but it turned to it's original tone, seeing the snacks and other things in the room behind the small door.

He let out a small gasp, immediately dashing for the mini fridge, to which John laughed. "Mr. Washington lets us use this as a break room. He's usually pretty strict, but he let us have this." He said, smiling.

"He sounds nice." Alexander said, grabbing a mountain dew, looking at John. "How much?"

"Mr. Washington is nice, but he only really takes a liking to certain people." John chuckled. "It's free!"

"Oh. Sorry." He bit his lip, though taking the mountain dew.

"Hey don't get upset. I understand." John smiled, looked at Alexander, who's expression softened.

Lafayette happened to peek in the room then. He wasn't seen by the two, but he could see them, and he smiled. Those two are something.

Oreos, Coffee And Fun Mix. (A Lams Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now