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(Yes, a storm chapter.
I'm sorry.)

Alexander looked up only a bit at the quiet clicking of a doorknob. Everything felt as if it was slowly crushing him, falling onto him, and the thunder didn't do anything to ease the feeling.


John's voice was like finding the waves you could escape, the water you could swim in, the people left alive. For Alexander at least, and it only lasted a second.

"Lexi, tell me what's wrong-"

John slowly wrapped an arm around Alexander, who clung onto him, sobbing.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, I'm sorry ...p-please, forgive me.." He mumbled, shaking.

"Lexiberry, you're okay, its okay, I got you." John whispered, hoping that'd calm Alexander down somewhat.

"No it isn't. They're all dead-"

"Lexi." John grabbed his chin, making him look at him. "You're okay."

"Am I? A-am I?" Alexander looked around, realizing he wasn't in Nevis. That however, only made him panic more, and get embarrassed.

"I'm freaking out for no reason? Oh my god, I'm an idiot."

John frowned, hugging him tightly. "No you aren't. You're the smartest person I've ever met! And you aren't freaking out for no reason, because a traumatic experience left scars on you. You didn't anticipate that ."

"God damnit, stop it! I'm a bastard." Alexander pushed him away. "All I can do is depend on people. All I will ever be is a dirty , greedy, attention stealing, man whore of a person!"

"Lexi, that isn't true." John looked at him, staying on the floor as he was pushed.

"If it isn't, then why are you here? Why are you here? Why am I even here? I only got here, because of a damn journal entry." Alexander shouted, hugging a pillow. Realizing he had shouted, he buried his face in the pillow, repeatedly muttering 'sorry' or, 'I'm so sorry'.

John hugged him once again, gently running his fingers through Alexander's hair, muttering things he'd thought would ease Alexander down, and get him calm.

"Do these happen every storm?" John asked, once Alexander had calmed down enough.

"Usually during thunderstorms." Alexander replied, nodding a bit. He was still shaking a bit more with every clap of thunder, but was otherwise fine.

"Do you want me to go get Martha? I know you might not want y- M- Washington."

"Nah- do you mind sneaking down and getting some ice cream?"

John chuckled and nodded. He kissed Alexander's forehead, before getting up and leaving.

He crept downstairs, looking around. John walked into the kitchen, opening the smaller bottom door of the fridge, of which he assumed was the freezer.

He was correct, obviously.

John hummed a bit, tapping his finger on the top of the door.

'I should've asked what flavor he wanted.' He thought, holding up two containers of ice cream. 'Rocky Road, or Pink Berry?'

'Pink Berry sounds good.' John nodded softly to himself, grabbing two spoons.

He noticed the knives and paused a moment, then shook  his head.

'Back upstairs, don't look back.' John thought to himself, going upstairs with the spoons and ice cream.

Alexander looked up, whispering. "What flavor?"

"Pink Berry." John smiled, sitting beside him.

"Oooo. My favorite. Also, do you wanna ride?" Alexander smirked.

"W h a t????" John blinked at him as he ate a spoonful of ice cream.

Alexander gasped, putting a hand to his chest.

"You don't know Be More Chill?!"

"N o. Should I?"

"Y e s." Alexander nodded curtly, going on YouTube as he searched 'be more chill, bootleg'.

"Aren't those illegal?"


"Let's just watch."

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